
An egregious recent example of American elites blocking the less privileged from advancement under the guise of promoting their advancement is the deceitful abolition of the SAT, against the advice of their own experts, by the satraps of the University of California; see Caitlin Flanagan in The Atlantic (https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/07/why-university-california-dropping-sat/619522/).

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Very good conversation.

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Judging people on the “basis of their talent” ends up denigrating the working class and especially the poor. Until a society provides dignity and respect for all its citizens, including a sound basis of economic support, it will not be cohesive.

With the rise of the meritocracy poor people were blamed for their poverty. The religious basis of pre meritocratic society viewed poverty as a status given by God; the status of nobility was also given by God. Michael Young predicted that a meritocratic system would lead to the rebellion of those left out. While providing opportunities for those with talent is important, a cohesive society is necessary to preserve democracy.

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