It is the opposite. The illiberal collectivist authoritarian globalists have taken Poland too. Freedom and democracy are dying and being replaced by a giant illiberal corporatocracy.

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Awesome, let us get back into the Cold War mindset. You clearly know nothing really about Poland except a few ideological slogans. The world is much more complex than the various rabble-rousing generalisations portrait.

Not all that is left of centre is woke, not all that is right of centre is fascist.

Just listen to that: "illiberal collectivist authoritarian globalists". Maybe you miss the fact that you are using the same ideological categories used by Occupy Wall Street and the like?

If just people dropped the conspiracy theories and started to actually think.

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The cohort of power that won wants to censor speech that opposes them. That is the most illiberal of all positions and one that all totalitarian movements pursue.

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