One of the most important parts of trying to heal from trauma is learning to tell the difference between what makes you feel unsafe and what actually is unsafe here and now. Even under the best of circumstances it ain't easy. "Safetyism" encourages people to stay traumatized because it gives them status. Talk about causing harm.

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Thank you for so eloquently writing what I believe with my whole heart and soul.

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This is a very good essay. People like me, who already understand the problem very well and are frustrated by it, will surely enjoy it.

The problem is the people who really need to read it, the people behind the new cultural miasma of fear, will dismiss it out of hand after the first few lines.

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Of course, when criticizing the current overly censorious climate of today, it would behoove us to remember that it wasn't so long ago that (mostly white) women attending college were called "co-eds", and noted more for their physical attributes than their intellectual cred, esp. when it was assumed that the main reason they were there was to acquire an "MRS" degree by marrying a promising up-and-comer.

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TY (thank You). Couldn't be more clearly stated. TYTY,

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