Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

Wow. Just Wow. For the first time in a long time I feel normal. Thank you both.

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I think Brooks's idea that the alternative to selfishness is "self-sacrifice" is dangerously wrong, and if you want to understand why, consider how similar it is to the woke notion that that the alternative to whites being sadistic to "people of color" is to be masochistic toward them. Plenty of traditions talk about balance, yin and yang--that's a better way.

He does have a point that we haven't come up with a new moral worldview to replace the old-fashioned one. Maybe what we've learned about abuse and trauma in the past few decades could be the start of one. We might be able to avoid the worst misinterpretations of trauma (speaking of woke) if we grounded it in our evolutionary history, which much of the work that's influenced me most on trauma does. Humanity's worst aspects didn't come about because we sinned against a perfect God, they were originally adaptations that helped our ancestors survive in this bloody, brutal world. Or as I like to put it, Darwin is Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting, telling humanity it's not our fault.

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Fantastic interview / episode. Lots to chew on.

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expanse of existence.

This is an excellent interview. I agree with David Brooks that people in our society have become more self absorbed and that many lack a sense of community or connection. I am not sure why he singles out Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow as thinkers who initiated this trend. Carl Rogers taught people how to empathize and communicate with others in ways that enhance relationships and emotional connection. Maslow's hierarchy of needs, included the need for connection with others, and at the top of the hierarchy it included the need for transcendence. “This level emphasizes altruism, spiritual connection, and helping others achieve their potential.

Individuals seek experiences that move beyond personal concerns, aiming to achieve a deep sense of unity, understanding, and belonging within the vast expanse of existence.”

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