Very moving essay. I recently referenced M Scott Peck's book, People of the Lie, in a comment I made regarding the Right Wing propaganda about the Jan 6 riot. I am surprised Peck's book does not come up more often given what is going on. Both the left wing Stupids and the right wing Nut Cases seem hell bent on using lies to justify any means necessary to confuse and exhaust normal people. One hopes their fiefdoms of deceit crash like the Berlin Wall.

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Great essay. Of course we can think of so many examples of this happening in our country now. But one fresh in my mind is one I encountered this morning on the CDC website:


"MYTH: The natural immunity I get from being sick with COVID-19 is better than the immunity I get from COVID-19 vaccination."

This is not a "myth." We don't know for sure it is true, but there are several good studies suggesting that it is. The "explanation" provided to back up the supposedly falsity of the claim is a mess of obfuscation and lies by omission. Disgraceful that they would do this - no wonder their credibility is in tatters with so much of the population.

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There are some good research papers that have found that the claim is true, so I am not sure how it can be a "myth".

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Yes, my point exactly.

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Thank you. Beautiful and well written

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Great piece!

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