With the transfer of power to President Joe Biden complete, American Purpose Editorial Board member Larry Diamond joins host Richard Aldous to take the temperature of American democracy. While there was plenty to lose sleep over, is there cause for optimism about American democracy? What kind of reforms are still necessary? And how is the next generation of young Americans thinking about the challenges? Tune in for the discussion, and read Larry Diamond’s Ill Winds: Saving Democracy from Russian Rage, Chinese Ambition, and American Complacency, now in paperback.
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Episode 12: Larry Diamond on Saving Democracy
Episode 12: Larry Diamond on Saving Democracy
Jan 22, 2021
Biweekly conversations between Richard Aldous, Bard College professor and distinguished historian, and authors on their newest books.
Biweekly conversations between Richard Aldous, Bard College professor and distinguished historian, and authors on their newest books.Listen on
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Episode 12: Larry Diamond on Saving Democracy