I love Jonathan Haidt. The Righteous Mind was a crucible book for me.

I have a question that I have been meaning to ask him related to the causation of this alarming jump in the mental health problems of young people. While I do not disagree at all with his work to pin it on the smart phone and social media, I think there is another contributing cause and that is the rise of female head of household dominance along with other technical advances in workforce automation.

He mentions the Great Recession as not being a factor. But I think the Great Recession resulted in an acceleration of more men losing their livelihood... a trend that had been advancing since the pursuit of globalism by our management and administrative elite... China in the WTO, NAFTA, etc. The US post Bretton Woods global order set the table for this, but there is another hockey stick with workforce automation and labor offshoring along with labor importing... all of which punched down men as the head of household.

Now here is where Jonathan need to connect with Jordan Peterson to help vet out the impact. My observation is that mothers mother. And in the traditional mother-father household there is conflict as the children grow up for a father's-child turn-over of more tough love. I experienced this growing up. My dad wanted me to do more chores, to demonstrate more responsibility and drive... to face more consequences when I screwed up. My mother would struggle with it and want to hug me and tell me everything would be alright.

Mothers nurture... they start from a position of pure unconditional love after having given birth to the child and the draw for continued nurturing is always there. I experience it with my wife and our two sons.

As more mothers entered the workforce and took an equal partnership, or more often a superior position in running the house, that nurturing tendency followed the kids all the way into adult life.

My sense is that the great financial collapse did have an impact as it punched down the economic prospects for men more than women... and accelerated a trend we had been experiencing.

Young adults have lost their coping skills compared to previous generations. Struggle in life is a necessity to grow self-confidence and self-worth. Coddling children to keep them safe robs them of needed experiences. Yes the smart phone has contributed, but we are living a once in history experiment in societal structure where females are becoming the dominant gender. I think there are cracks showing as a result.

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You have not considered the child custody in divorce aspect of why children are being both coddled and why daughters are going without traditional fathering. In a word: child support payments go to the parent who coddles most effectively to determine which parent gets primary custody and child support. Generally that is the mother who is most likely to use the phone to manipulate the daughter to love mommy most and then live more with mommy. More than 50% of children live in divorced and mother dominant families. Indeed this is relational aggression, an aggression a father is unlikely to win. Add to that the use of false PFA abuse by mothers and daughters to exclude fathers from daughters lives and bingo: lonely suicidal daughters looking to satisfy father hunger from strangers online. Dads used to tell their daughters they were wonderful and beautiful, and daughters needed that. Now dads are more likely legally excised from their daughters' lives, and strange men get to exploit these teen girls.

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Brilliant analysis. My daughter-in-law, mother to my 7 week old granddaughter, and I are discussing and figuring out how to implement. Actually glad she was born now, when all this knowledge is out there than ten years ago. By the way, as a retired early childhood educator, I should say that field (early childhood education) has been trying to get the word out about the importance of play, being outside, etc. for years.

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Good stuff, good work! Keep it up!

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