I live in a college town where the state university admits 7500 foreign students each year. Over half of them are Chinese. The university gets a much larger tuition and fees from the foreign students. The total is over $200 million in extra revenue per year would the university admit 7500 local students instead.

So not only are we cutting out the admission spots for American students, we are educating out global competitor that continues to bleed away economic opportunity for Americans.

But hey, those university administrators deserve their $500k per year salary, right?

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I wonder what kind of administrator in a state university get $500k per year salary. I don't say it's impossible, but I wonder which state university has this kind of funds. The reason why state universities need to admit foreign students is that the state governments don't subsidize them well enough.

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It is well accepted that administrative bloat is the reason that state college costs for students has increased well beyond the rate of inflation. The state schools get plenty of money. If we give them more they will just add more bloat.

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To answer my own question. I just checked, and at my public university the average salary for a dean is under 121, 000 per year. The president of the university gets more than $500k, but every year so far, the president has given back 100,000 as a donation to the university.

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And you need to include total compensation, not just salary. The value of benefits is typically very high.

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So you found an exception. What state?

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Washington state.

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May the terms “college administrator” and “useful idiot” be used interchangeably?

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Unfortunately, too many in the US woke media are all too happy to amplify the CCP's spurious racism claims whenever they are scrutinized.

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Fascinating article. I'm glad to hear of *some* progress (closing of 70+ Confucius Institutes, mitigated by some of those being in-name-only).

The concerns here so squarely implicate core American values that I can't help but believe that all the matter needs is more attention and we'll see improvement. (Perhaps I'm not cynical enough about the role of money, efficacy of racism rhetoric as cover, etc.)

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Meanwhile in Canada the RCMP are investigating Chinese "Police" stations in Toronto. It isn't clear yet what these stations have been up to, but it certainly appears to be a violation of territorial sovereignty.

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