Make no mistake about it. When the billionaires look ahead, they are considering what their world really needs to maintain their reality. Their reality is not our reality or the reality of the minimum wage worker or the reality of the impoverished farmer.

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I am thinking this is the best thing I will read today. Thanks.

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The author speaks of charity but gives the least charitable interpretation of EA that I've seen.

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What I find very problematic about the billionaires charity deduction is that we all pay for it but we have no say in it. These are rightly called "tax expenditures". The more taxes that they are forgiven the more the rest of us have to pay.

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Crypto can be used for creating global decentralized basic income (GBI) https://vladanlausevic.medium.com/global-basic-income-cash-crypto-and-citizenship-e2d2415350a0

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Also, organisations as GiveDirectly are more efficient than many public/government aid programs resulting in money going to corrupted governments instead of going directly to humans

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