Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023

I am a philosophy professor and I have been teaching a first year class, "Robot Ethics," for about 10 years. I use popular robot and AI movies as vehicles for discussing old fashioned meta-ethical principles from Natural Law through Post-modern relativism. This year I decided to befriend ChatGPT and Bard. Every paper submitted has two required parts. The first part is written by their LLM of choice, based on the question they feed it, and the second part is their own analysis of what the AI wrote. It has been quite a success so far. First I can compare their own writing with the LLM writing, but most interesting is the students of flesh write things that are much more aesthetically interesting, even if rarely as well written as the LLM writing. Side by side it is very easy to see the differences. The point is, human made will always be different than machine made. This is why Etsy became so successful. The world has not changed so much as we in the Humanities may fear. Humans say the darnedest things, things ChatGPT and Bard would never say. I fear more that all people will become philistines of Walmart, than that an AI will ever create real art.

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When AI is able to evaluate artistry subjectively is when AI will be capable of creating art.

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