Mr. Ginsburg is a legal scholar, and I'm not, so I defer to his legal judgments. I think his view of the practical consequences of the prosecution is mistaken. I doubt the prosecution will lead to a conviction; I believe it will further increase Trump's chance of winning the Republican nomination (already strongly boosted by Alvin Bragg), and I'm persuaded it will only further intensify the deeply toxic tribal partisanship of the country. My hope is that Mr. Biden will pardon Mr. Trump.

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If we had prosecuted the Southern revolutionaries after the Civil War, and Nixon after we knew that he had lied to us - and was there a third incident? I can't remember and I can't remember where I read this idea today - it's not mine. We have a history of allowing law breakers to get away with their murderous deeds. If we had set a different example of how to deal with political misbehavior we might not be dealing with this lawbreaker.

I obey th law. I pay my taxes. Whenever someone doesn't - I'm screwed. It's not whether or not Trump gets justice!! I the one owed the justice - and I want what's due me. L&B&L

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Before the what-about-Hillary comments ever start: if Hillary deserved to be locked up, Trump had four years to do it. Why didn't he? Hint: it's not because he's the forgiving type.

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