Thank you. For your words, your reminder to all of us who were born under this flag to value the good things that it still represents. Thank you for raising a son of character, who gave his life for the nation. May God bless you and your family always, granting you long life and many descendants, to make up for the son who will never come home. You are brave and good, and represent the best of humanity.

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No matter how badly we've done it at times, our openness to immigrants just might be the area where America truly is the greatest ever. Me. Khan, I'm glad you're one of them.

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I salute you.

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Thank you so much for sharing your story!! I teared up two times. God bless you, your son and your family, Sir!!

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Thank you.

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I want to share this on my FB page but I never put politics there. I will send it to my son, who lost a son to illness last year. He will appreciate your words, and take courage from them. Also he now has a close friend who is an English Pakistani. It's always good to try to understand the culture where one's friends were raised.

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This is not politics! Go ahead and share it on your FB page!

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I did- and will wait and see if my Russian friends, who hate the US, my Ukrainian friends, who also hate the US and say Russia is not bombing Ukraine, my American fb friend who hates the US and lives in Armenia, my disaffected US friends who just can't believe there is anything good left here to build upon and never was, my friends who find reasons to denigrate anything the "other side" says and then blame someone, to respond. Then we will see if it's about politics or not.

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Hate is not politics. It's just bigotry (or ignorance)

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Mr. Khan,

You and your wife have been heroes of mine for years. As the mom of a Purple Heart Iraq War vet, I mourn the loss of your son. He was a great man. All my love.

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There is a photo of the Gettysburg Reunion of Civil War veterans from 1938, which shows elderly men shaking hands across a shrub barrier. There are also numerous photos of men from opposite armies shaking hands and putting arms around each other. This reunion was set up by FDR to help heal the country amidst the Depression and what turned out to be the verge of WWII. This should be a lesson to all of us, in addition to the piece by Mr. Khan above, that this country has the capacity to heal itself.


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Thank you Mr. Khan. I've been having one of those weeks where I am so distraught about my country's future that I start to wonder if and when I might start thinking about moving my family elsewhere. It's good to read things like this to shake me from the depths of my despair. Bless you and your family.

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