"Neither side seems to care very much about defending the rights of those with whom they disagree."

I don't see this as an accurate statement.

One side is failing the students on the campus to have their views challenged and to open up their minds to different pathways of thinking.

Critical Theory is a toxic parasitic mind virus and fake scholarship. It is an ideology… a cult ideology. It is a destructive and disruptive tool of the radical cultural Marxists, the postmodernist 3rd wave feminists primarily & their cohort of standard malcontent academics, that have infiltrated the administration of the education system and many other institutions. CT derived “woke” and its intent is clearly documented within the text of the critical theory scripture… that there is no objective truth, and everything is relative to achieving group political power. With CT there are only two groups, the oppressed victims and the privileged oppressors (apparently only white males, Asians and non-Democrats). CT and CRT are completely illiberal. The ideology is incompatible with liberalism.

These ideas should be taught in higher learning being labeled as such "Critical Theory Studies" etc., and not embedded in the text and curriculum of almost everything.

The side against this is for objective truth, free and open speech and true equality... for getting back to our liberal principles embodied in our founding documents... the imperfect union of the republic that is still better than any other system in terms of supporting and sustaining humanity with its God-given rights of liberty and justice.

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A lady by the name of Yenomi Park has described Columbia as 'Crazier than North Korea'. She should know. She is from North Korea and attended Columbia. Of course, Columbia is also in NYC.

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I attended a talk at the new school in 1965. The speaker was Edward Teller, eminent Hungarian American physicist. Protesters carried signs saying ban the bomb and bomb maker. Teller was the ‘father of the H-bomb’ according to the press. The protester -- several carrying openly Mao’s little red book -- felt the new school shouldn’t allow him to speak. Tensions were high; nevertheless Teller spoke. He warned the new left about the dangers of communism and, by implication, their naive belief in Communism.

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This is all very important; however, the battle for the soul of our democratic constitutional republic will be neither won nor lost in the faculty lounges of colleges and universities. The Republican right has been effective in bringing its anti-woke message down to the local level. The Democrats seem to be unable or unwilling to counter that message in a large segment of the American people.

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