The author refers throughout to Le Pen as "far right" and brings two items as evidence: She wants a referendum to limit the rights of immigrants in France and make it harder for them to become French and she has tried to make voters forget about her pro-Putin past.

I don't see either of these as placing someone at the edge of the ideological spectrum. Are they really the most egregious examples the author has, or did she not give it much thought because "everybody knows" what Le Pen is? Either way, I'm unimpressed.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022


As for these labels, “Far Right” is now simply a pejorative. Same as “Hard Right” or “Hard Left”.

It’s simply a way to “other” someone in the process of summarily dismissing their opinions.

The thing I’ve always admired about the French is that they are French and unabashedly proud of it.

One can now chalk that attitude up as a significant character defect. People need to be inclusive globalists. Welcoming one and all, even people who want to turn your society completely upside down. And this is what we’re lead to believe is progress?

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Far Right now appears to be anyone remotely to the right of center. Maybe even slightly to the left.

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Apr 12, 2022Liked by Brendan Ruberry

I submit that Jupiter himself would have a difficult time leading the French.

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Why no comments allowed on "Cars are Here to Stay?" A very unwelcome development that I hope was just an error.

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That was an error and has been rectified. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

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The American Constitution was set up the way it was because the Founders felt that forcing large groups of people into the same ideology was not likely to work, given Human Nature. Yet, here we are.

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