Mr. Yglesias' defense of the media's failure to report on the President's decline was disappointing. The New York Times was unable to get any reliable information for months? Really? It published half-a-dozen incorrect versions of the Israel-hospital-bombing-that-wasn't within minutes of getting the propaganda from Hamas, but we should believe they have to wait for double-confirmation from reliable sources?

Sure, there's no risk in libeling Israel and Heaven help you if you come after the President and miss. So is that their excuse? Cowardice? Or the fact that they 𝘸𝘒𝘯𝘡𝘦π˜₯ the bombing to be true and the senescence to be false?

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Over on Etsy, you can buy "Heels up Harris" merchandise. She has been known as "Heels up Harris for a long time.

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Yascha asks the most persistent question about Kamala, "I think there's two different views -- One is that Kamala Harris has a political core [that is] moderate; The other is that she's never had a political core.

I remembered that Kamala had answered that in an interesting way. AI couldn't find it. Stumped, I thought, perhaps I posted that, and Googled my web site. Yup. Here it is:

"What puzzles people about Kamala is whether she’s really a centrist claiming to be progressive, or a progressive working inside the system. When she decided to be a prosecutor, her activist mother questioned her hard about this. And this is her explanation.

She had seen enough of protest politics while growing up β€” fighting for β€œjustice from the outside,” as she called it. And according to her autobiography β€œWhen activists came marching and banging on doors,” she β€œwanted to be on the other side to let them in.”

I think that’s only half right. I think she is more interested in being on the inside so that she can make smart and progressive policy herself. That’s not so bad. Protest movements are needed to provide political pressure for change. But they need smart, sympathetic politicians on the inside, willing to get their hands dirty to get the job done. That’s how it’s always worked. Martin Luther King Jr. needed LBJ inside making deals. And LBJ wouldn’t have, couldn’t have, done it without MLK on the outside changing public opinion.

You can read the whole post at https://zfacts.com/2020/08/five-reasons-to-cheer-kamala-harris/ (a dormant website, that I'll return to when I finish my book.) I see one mistake: It says I lived 5 blocks from where she lived at the time she was first bused across town. By then I'd moved.

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