This is something of a broken window argument. You aren't impeaching him because it will work to get you elected, or because you can succeed in barring him from office, or even to force all the senators who vote to not convict him to put that vote on the record.

Mostly you impeach him to show that there are still barriers that will be defended between the US Government and the next, more competent authoritarian who is waiting for that sign of surrender that is being suggested is the best course of action.

Even if none of that were true, you impeach him because it is the right thing to do, and it is good governance, and it fulfills your oath of office.

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Exactly! Not holding Trump accountable for his crimes means we don't even pretend to be a nation of laws. I respect the author's other work, but I am very disappointed with the reasoning in this article.

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If this impeachment held him accountable, I would agree. But when it fails to convict it will just show that we were unable to hold even the most obvious traitor to democracy accountable. It will show that America did not hold him accountable.

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America has shown that over and over again. There will be no novelty or gain in this instantiation whatever.

The best one could say is that they did the right thing or that they did not. Having the vote forces Senators on the record on that account. No hiding.

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America dd hold him accountable. He lost the election. If Republicans fail to convict, which they will, it will further signal their moral depravity.

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You are right; America sort of did. But you could say America held everyone who loses an election accountable. It's no stamp of immorality. It just means your popularity is <50%. And the election was not about the insurrection, which came after. And if you think America did and the Senate won't, then what's the point of failing to convict?

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I want the names of the people who refuse to convict a true wannabe dictator to live in infamy. And I do believe the majority of Republicans in Congress are immoral hypocrites.

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I'm 100% with you on that.

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Of course, you or me wanting something does not mean that demanding it or organizing for it is good for democracy. I want to limit income to 100 times the average, just as Huey Long advocated. But that doesn't mean that either I or the Democrats should make that demand any time soon.

What's good for democracy or America is a tougher question than "what do I want." And that's the difference between someone like FDR who gets stuff done and radicals who set us back.

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It doesn't show that when the excercise is purely partisan. In fact it shows the opposite.

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So we shouldn't try to enforce laws and norms unless the other side is willing to do so as well? I'm not sure that argument really holds up.

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I think we should not be so sure we are enforcing norms and laws when there is no bipartisan agreement that is what is happening. Starr and Hyde told themselves they were enforcing laws and norms. Instead they were setting us on the road to partisan impeachments on a regular basis.

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That's a valuable point; it is certainly wise to interrogate one's own judgement when there is no consensus. Having so interrogated my own, it is quite clear that Mr. Trump is responsible for the attack on Congress, and attempted continuously to damage and corrupt our democratic process over the 2+ months after the election. The "norms and laws" at stake are truth and the republic's democratic core. One party's representatives largely do not agree (at least not in public), and I judge them wrong.

Comparing this to the Clinton impeachment seems misguided. That was a largely politically motivated investigation; looking at the votes for the Clinton impeachment, a number of Republicans voted not to impeach, and *also* voted not to convict. A few Democrats voted to impeach (though fewer than Republicans voted *not* to impeach), and zero Democrats voted to convict.

The Clinton impeachment also did not begin with an attack on the Capitol after two months of corrosive lies about election fraud.

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I think that case can be made that Trump bears responsibility for the attack. I even mostly agree with it. But I also think it is not a slam dunk matter, which is the only threshold worth applying to impeachment. Perhaps his second impeachment would not have been as contentious if the first one had not been so transparently politically motivated--at least as much as Clinton's.

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"It seems vindictive. In fact, it is vindictive. It’s as much about settling scores of the past four years as it is about what Trump said on his way out the door. [...] Trump now joins this exclusive club: presidents that everybody regards as awful, even if they don’t know why."

I don't understand this sentiment. A very large portion of the country still regards him as the best president we've ever had -- to the point where, if those in power did believe he was awful, they are still not willing to risk the blowback from admitting it. The fact that the impeachment and trial is a contentious affair at all shows the argument that "hey, time already served is justice enough, deterrence enough" is not strong. The President of the US baldly and emphatically lied about election results repeatedly and loudly and with the intent to overturn the results, to keep himself in power unelected to that power; he made grave and vehement claims of fraud with flimsy-to-nonexistent evidence. I think it was Ben Sasse who said it was like pointing a loaded gun at the heart of legitimate self government, but I don't think that goes far enough. He and his fellow travelers indeed pointed that gun at the heart of legitimate self government, and then they pulled the trigger again and again until the magazine was dry. Hopefully none of the wounds are fatal.

To me, the arguments in favor of impeachment and conviction revolve around justice on the one hand and pragmatism on the other. About justice, I don't think I need to say more than I have above; however, impeachment and conviction serves a pragmatic purpose: the same purpose for which we have locks on doors.

My father likes to say "Locks exist to keep the honest people honest." You lock your doors not because it keeps you safe from the person who is strongly committed to robbing or hurting you, but to discourage those who are not fully committed to robbing or hurting you from doing so (but who might if it were convenient or not too much trouble). If a person becomes violently psychotic and decides they want you dead, those locks are worth very little. They make it harder, but not much.

The prospect of impeachment and conviction hold little deterrence for a person like Trump without some assurance he's likely to indeed be convicted, and such a failure to get impeachment and conviction emboldens such a person. That is one key risk of impeachment: if you fail to get conviction, the sociopath / narcissist sees only your weakness and their strength in that failure -- they do not consider how close it may have been. (I don't mean to suggest they are indifferent to the risk of impeachment; they merely don't care about norms and are impulsive enough that only significant and relatively certain negative consequences will deter them; to them, no matter what happens, they will always frame things as they did nothing wrong and the world is out to get them and they never feel shame.)

However, most people -- even most politicians -- do not operate at that level. They crave acceptance and approbation and dislike being painted in a negative light as most of us do; in short, they feel bound by norms and reputation. They would be ashamed to be impeached at all, let alone convicted. Impeaching Trump again and getting a conviction would be excellent, though I think it is unlikely. However, the knowledge that impeachment is very much a tool that will be used when someone acts with depraved indifference or with malevolent intent to damage our republic will deter many.

Having said that, there are risks. One I identified above if conviction fails. Mr. Kinsley points out another: the process makes it harder for the Democrats to pursue their agenda quickly -- but I think that does miss one fundamental issue: maintenance of our republic and the institutions that bind it (self-governance through elections, the primacy of facts over lies) *are* and *should be* the most urgent items on the agenda. They should be the most urgent for Republicans too, but I do recognize that it takes exceptional courage to pursue that course of action given that it virtually guarantees a strong primary challenge and a whole lot of disapproval from some of their fellow Republicans and from their constituents.

Another risk I've seen identified (elsewhere) is that it promotes disunity rather than unity. That is absurd. There can be no unity without adherence to truth and accountability. Anything else is the performance of unity rather than actual unity. Ultimately, everyone pretends they want unity, but no one is willing to make the compromises that unity entails. Unity is the club each side uses to beat the other into submission; it is mere performance. Both parties seem to think "unity" is synonymous with "capitulation."

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Brilliant comment really just wonderful.

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What I see emerging is that Joe Biden believes he just won a race war, despite Trump having gained with Black and Hispanic voters. He is governing as though he has just won a war against what believes Trump's presidency was about: white supremacy. The Democrats believe this. The media appears to be believe it and this is their case against Trump, and in fact, what is driving the Biden administration overall - from COVID relief, to staffing, to antiracism policies. The problem is that the majority in this country most certainly don't see that. They see it as what it actually was: a class war that is ongoing. Biden has made it very clear he doesn't see this. The impeachment trial, therefore, is going to be one massive cancel culture moment where the crime won't be inciting an insurrection at all, but rather making congress and the country feel "unsafe" and needing to see consequences for that.

What is ironic is how no one cares when an 80 year-old man was beaten to death for trying to save his friend Sue's mattress store, or how protesters in Portland held police captive in a basement and taunted them, even taunting the female officers with threats of rape. None of this was paid any attention to, so on top of everything else, all of America is going to see the grand hypocrisy in the left finally accepting "sending in the troops" or punishing protesters; they aren't stopping at the handful of white supremacists and q'anon who are anti-government but rather the supporters of Trump who were exercising their Constitutional right to protest that day and didn't break in. It is hypocrisy -- visible hypocrisy - across the board.

I worry for this country because we don't seem able to distinguish reality from hysteria anymore. This is vindictive, but it is also a terrible use of time, money and energy when our country is barely holding together. They're doing it to prevent Trump from running again in 2024. What they're really afraid of, I would imagine, is not Trump running but Trump winning.

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What race war is that? There has been and never will be a race war in the US. This is much in the same way that there will never be an insurrection where a mob takes over the US by running into the Capitol building and beating a cop to death.

The Democrats and their corporate media don't believe that anything is about white supremacy. They believe their voters like the narrative and that as such they can be manipulated with it. So far, they are correct.

The class war ended 10 years back. You lost.

You don't speak for anyone but yourself. You certainly cannot dictate what people care about by fiat. Make the case, or drop the assertion.;

There is no concept of 'our country' in the US. That died 40 years ago.

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I completely agree and think this comment should have been the post. Although I agree with the Kinsley's antagonism toward the impeachment, this is a more perceptive analysis.

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The "logical problem with impeachment" lies not with the Democrats but with this writer. Why can't Trump have incited the mob and various smaller elements within it planned an assault. Why can't both be true? All evidence points to that being exactly the case.

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There is no "logical problem" with the impeachment charges. Trump, while serving as President of the United States (!), spent two months lying about the election results, strong-arming state election officials, authorizing crackpot lawsuits, encouraging the idea that Congress and the Vice-President could reverse the election results, and encouraging people to come to D.C. on January 6 for a "wild" time. Trump's conduct would have been impeachable even if he hadn't spoken himself on January 6. Likewise, the fact that he did encourage violence in the January 6 speech is hardly excused by the reality that he already had stirred up insurrectionist forces. There's nothing that says his January 6 speech must be the sole cause of the storming of the Capitol.

This article was a dispiriting read. As other commenters have pointed out, this impeachment is about drawing lines between right and wrong, and true and false. Save the nuanced political calculations for another day.

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Exactly. It's not either-or.

Let me bring in a historical analogy: the Weathermen "Days of Rage" from 1969. Did they riot because one of their leaders told the crowd " Let's go get him!", or was it because the crowd had spent months working themselves up over "armed struggle"? I doubt that anyone would deny that both were factors. Same here. The whole reason the crowd came prepared for violence was that Trump had spent two months inflaming them with his "stolen election" bullshit. Even if his words that day only threw gasoline on a flame that was already burning, he was the original arsonist!

Even if we give a pass to the rest of Trump's long, LONG list of impeachable offenses, trying to violently overturn an election is in a class by itself. If the norm of accepting peaceful transitions of power goes, there is no democracy, just a bloody struggle for power. We can't let this one slide. We can't.

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Whether or not Democrats (or Republicans) benefit from the impeachment trial is beside the point. Surely, the picture frame of what took place and the characters involved needs to be much bigger than the day we are in. Just, may be, we could all learn something to help us in the future -- if not us, our children possibly.

Agreed, it's dammed inconvenient and a chore, but the risk of not coming to grips with these dangerous and horrific events will leave us vulnerable to them happening again. Vindictive emotions will surface (as in the first impeachment) but this side consequence can be managed surely.

One big reason for having the trial is to open all the boxes and clearly see what we have inside. People, evidence and circumstances can be sought, collected and presented. Having the whole episode and series documented gives it a better chance of being seen and understood at a later date. This is independent of what verdict turns up.

It's very difficult to move on without an accountable past.

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Trump has already been impeached by the House. I believe he should be convicted by the Senate and prevented from running again for the good of the country. He created the environment that brought about the events of Jan 6 with his lies and refusal to accept his obvious defeat in Nov. He violated his oath to the constitution. He won't just go away, and yes, some are even more sympathetic to him (members of my own family included). Time to close the book on Trump.

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"Justice be done or the whole world will perish"

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Is the US President above the law? It certainly seems so. Congress needs to test the limits of current statutory and constitutional law so it can craft whatever legislation is needed to hold the President accountable. If it fails in this American democracy is doomed. It's really not about Trump at all.

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I would have preferred that Congress used the 14th amendment to prevent Trump from holding elective office, but one always has to stand up to bullies or they keep going. Think Chamberlain appeasement of Hitler. Timothy Synder's work on Autocracy confirms the importance of using the rule of law to address those who incite violence. I am not sure this impeachment will serve the Democrats, but it will serve our Democracy..

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Every point in this piece can be true, and yet for me, "it's the principle of the thing" would still be more persuasive.

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Where that principle is the fulfilment of one's oath, yes.

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The rampage was planned. Trump actively and seditiously supported the insurrection. There is no argument; these are facts.

The perception of impeachment as a "partisan exercise" is irrelevant. This is a matter of duty. Trump fueled lies, sedition, insurrection, and corruption the likes of which have been unseen since the events that presaged World War Two.

What is the point of rubbing the bully’s nose in the dirt? Would you also ask, what is the point of holding a criminal accountable for his crimes?

Justice and accountability both strengthen civility.

The practical effect of impeachment is that, if convicted, yes, Trump cannot hold office ever again. But, importantly, he will also be denied (under the former president's act) yearly payments of $219,200 for a pension, $150,000 yearly for office staff, secret service protection, and free medical insurance.

Michael Kinsley, please don't go the way of Rudy Giuliani.

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Precisely. It is a waste of time and resources and generates gratuitous resentment among Trump supporters. I detest the guy, too, but rationality not emotion should be what drives the Democrats right now. They have an opportunity to seize the mantle of the apolitical "greatest good for the greatest number" party.

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What would be the gratuitous aspect of it? How can you show that the Democrats, Republicans, and Independents that are in favor of impeachment are in favor of it irrationally? Of what value would adopting a utilitarian posture be to the Democrats?

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It accomplishes nothing that redounds to the benefit of the electorate. IMHO, all elected officials should be "adopting a utilitarian posture" or resign.

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It accomplishes things to the benefit of the populace all the time. What country are you from?

Of what relevance is your HO in a country that is not utilitarian?

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Impeachment accomplishes what here? Nothing. I am American, and America is a fundamentally utilitarian (or more technically, consequentialist) country.

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That you perceive it as such establishes nothing.

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That you perceive it differently establishes nothing. (See how that works?)

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Brilliant man, wonderfully written, fundamentally flawed. Impeaching Trump is the only way to salvage the Republican Party. Impeachment and conviction is not for the sake of saving the Entitlement party but to save the Rights party. The Republican Party. The biggest distinction between Republicans and Democrats is their very different view of Natural Rights. For Democrats rights are a utilitarian gift from the government since rights are essentially only a convenient Romantic myth. As human tastes change our rights change for Democrats. But Republicans, true Republicans, not the laser beam lunatics nor the Trumpist paramilitary crackpots, nor the cynical frauds like Cruz and Hawley, but real Republicans, disagree with the Democrats on rights. We believe that rights are real. They come from a well ordered universe, from Nature's God perhaps. And the role of the government is to protect our individual natural rights, and the natural rights of others across the world. So I disagree deeply with Mr. Kinsley. We must suffer our diagnosis bravely, recognize we are a sick party at the moment, and proudly take the bitter pill that will heal us. Impeach and convict Trump to save the Republican Party protect Western Liberalism from the the tastes of those who would gladly Cancel the great men and women and fantastic life embracing feats of Western Civilization.

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1) You don't speak for republicans or democrats, conservatives or liberals, conformists or radicals. Just yourself. Hiding your case inartfully behind the skirts of an imagined mob of supporters is no way to bolster ethos, even if it serves to manage anxiety. It might be more successful to put your case forward with more integrity.

2) Neither democrats, republicans, conservatives, or liberals are monoliths. Deploying a low resolution argument that relies on perceiving them as such dismisses itself on that deficit.

3) Natural human rights are intrinsic to that condition of existing as a human being. They can neither be granted, nor removed. Legal rights are that tool by which a society manages the conflict between the natural rights of human beings living in close proximity in a domain of limited resources.

As such, legal rights will never be symmetric or synonymous with natural rights. They can't be. They serve two separate purposes. The role of some liberal governments focuses on the alignment of legal rights with natural rights while managing this conflict over temporal and cultural shifts.

There may well be conflict on what that optimization is, but that conflict isn't likely to be resolved by misstating the problem driving the conflict.

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Are rights real or are rights a myth of 17th Century Romanticism? I believe that rights are real. This was the basis of neoconservatism. I am a neoconservative in good company with many.

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You will find your answer in a higher resolution interrogation of the nature of rights.

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