Shorter: the last society to reduce the diversity, richness and complexity of humanity to a few color codes ended up with yellow sew patches and starting a world war that killed 80 million. My point is the reductionism you are highlighting is far more sinister than you might give it credit for and there should be little place for it in enlightened society.

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Saying it another way, it is an indicator that a society is moving away from a position of enlightenment, not towards it.

It is definitely negative pressure on Western Civilization. It is unclear if the effect will be long-lasting or simply a blip. I suspect the latter.

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I think Obama's point that it is how you are "done" by others as a function of how they see you is a powerful part of one's identity and that those others include your family and community. Although race is a social construction, it is a powerful social construction that has real outcomes on what is expected of us and allowed to us. It is, therefore, more than race or self-designation of race, it is what being that race means in your community. My sons are biracial. Although they both own their mixed-heritage, the way they look recruits different reactions in their community and which communities of race open up to them. As the percentage of mixed people grow, it will be interesting to see how community expectations change. It is complicated.

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First we battle to stop outside judgement based on skin color, now we must do battle to stop inside judgement based on ones skin color. Strangely it seems the original war against 'racism' may have been more easily won than the war that must be fought internally to free ourselves from 'anti-racism'.

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Great article! Thank you.

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So let's talk about cultural bi's too. The contemporary cultural presumption that if you are not biracial or brown you are white is fundamentally flawed, and in fact physically dangerous for those of us who have "difficult" religions or are of mixed religious heritage. Let me tell you a story to illustrate:

Before COVID I taught CCD at my church in rural Pa. I had an orthodox Jewish mother and an Italian Roman Catholic Father. I am a Jewish convert to Catholicism for theological reasons, but I still identify as Jewish. Many of my CCD students would say relatively awful things unknowingly about Judaism. And I never reacted since I wanted to know them, and what may be the source. My co-teacher, one day said she was unofficially Jewish; she is not, but since I had taken my first communion with her she wanted me to feel included. Honestly it was more embarrassing than helpful. But she is good woman: kind, uneducated and volunteers tremendous amounts. Then one day I was teaching one boy about the relationship between the Jewish 10 Commandments and the Catholic 9 Beatitudes and comparing these to Aristotle's golden virtues. (All in very simple language for a 6th grader.) Not knowing my background he confided to me that he hated Jews. I asked him why. He said they are bad and his parents told him they steal. I said, "Well I like you, and I am Jewish." He comes from a relatively poor rural blended and re-blended family, pretty cliche and sad, and they likely receive charity from the church. After that he disappeared from CCD. The point is he had never met a Jewish man before, and he and I learned quite a bit together. This boy's white Trumpist father is like a mountain, enormous, tall, laconic and seething. I am sure he was struggling to make ends meet. He would never look at me again after that. Catholic or not I was a Jew, and his boy wouldn't be taking any more CCD with Jews.

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Data does not have to be 100% accurate to be useful.

In the past, census data was collected face to face.

Now it is done mostly by mail or online, so self-reported.

This may produce minor discrepancies, but nothing major. An approximation is good enough for most purposes.

In the past, there would have been a lot fewer biracial or mixed race individuals than now.

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Incorrect. To suggest that the data having no fixed meaning, that this somehow is a common feature of data, and that there is no impact to analysis descending from such corrupted sources, is to declare one's membership in that malign regressive body that the article alludes to.

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So many issues.

1. Of what value is racial data collected by census if it is assigned or if it is self-reported? Either way, it would seem pretty compromised as data. Even worse, the definition of the data element changing over time, without those changes being incorporated into the use of the data is worse than having no data at all.

2. I have always been uncomfortable with the degree to which priority is assigned (by some) on what the perception of others is to one's sense of identity. One would never counsel one's child to base their self-esteem on what their peers thought of them. This is antithetical to the notion of self-esteem. If one is possessed of self-esteem, of what relevance are the perceptual variances of one's peers, or of society writ large?

3. Don't kid yourself. The notion of gravity was indeed imagined and to a large extent still is. It is one of the lesser understood phenomena in nature. As with the analysis of all such phenomena, the first step is indeed to imagine.

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1. You raise a good point here. Reporting of race (either by the interviewer or the interviewee) is not good from a data standpoint, and insofar as race is a conflicted, dynamic construct. However, I don't think we can simply do without it. Maybe in a perfect world where no one looked at race differently, we could drop it, but we don't live in that world and to pretend we do is untenable politically, at the very least, and probably not a good policy even scientifically.

2. I don't think this article, or in politics in general, focus on how one's race is perceived by others, is about self-esteem. Rather, it's critically important how others view one's race, because opportunities can be unjustly limited based on race.

3. The notion of comparing the human construction of gravity to the human construction of race does not seem very illuminating, except insofar as to show just how fraught and problematic the human construction of race is. Gravity, while a human construction despite its mathematical theories (obvious by the way first Newton defined it, then later Einstein), makes testable predictions about the state of reality, and then those predictions get tested rigorously. Race doesn't even have a clear definition at all, and the emotions attached to it in our culture precludes simple scientific study of it (as do ethics rules I imagine) in the same way we study gravity.

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1. I would suggest that we already are doing without it. The data is not reliable or useful due to how it has been collected. There are actions to be taken with such corrupt data, and I don't know that it is clear that those actions are being taken when such data is being relied upon. This is what I mean by it being better to have no data at all. At least in this instance, you know that there is no data. You are not being deceived

2. Why don't you? It seemed obvious to me that the entire thrust of this article was about how being of mixed race is mis-perceived by others to the degree that it threatens one's perception of one's self as mixed race. Perhaps that is a misreading on my part. If the article is not doing this, how is it possible for one's opportunities to be limited based on race, either justly or unjustly?

3. Gravity is a human-sourced paradigm based on observation of natural phenomena. It has no theories, mathematical or otherwise. These are entirely human constructions. Gravity has no agency whatever. Predictions are made by humans based on these constructions, which in turn originate from the human imagination.

That race is a tenuous construct without rigorous testable features or boundaries is entirely why the concept is useful to those who seek to use it. That utility is that it means whatever one wants it to mean in any given situation.

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Self-identification would appear to me to be the crux. Genetically speaking we're all pretty mixed (most people of European descent have some Neanderthal DNA, making them mixed-species too), so how do we define race and do we then need to quantify each racial component? What would be the benefit of doing that even if we could?

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