Thank you for writing this. I believe this is a must read for everyone.

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We now know that raising newborns, infants and small children with an excessive sanitary and clean environment can inhibit the full development of the immune system as evidenced by the increase in asthma. Should we expect the sanitization of thought and speech likewise affect the development of a healthy psyche.

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I like the mention of legal action above. I really don't understand why more of these issues aren't taken to court. Like today where a Georgetown Law professor was forced to resign over making factual but maybe insensitive comments about black students. Bullies don't stop until you fight back.

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We live now in a world of scientific knowledge. For this reason it is important to consider "free speech" on college campuses in light of scientific knowledge. While there can be a public platform for those who do not believe in vaccines and for those who do not believe in evolution the college campus should not be this platform.

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I trust that Professor Morel and his associates are members of ACLU, an organization that was fighting for free speech long before his new organization was formed.

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