Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

Jesus, thank you. I live here in PA, and was a big Connor Lamb booster despite all his shortcomings, and I keep hearing from my city friends here in Philly that "no one cares about this" which is hilarious because they don't know anyone to the right of Elizabeth Warren, and without debates that air before early voting, most of us aren't even sure what "this" is or how acutely it might impact his ability to fulfill his Senitorial duties. You can argue it's not a big deal, but the attempt to oust discussion of it in polite circles is particularly galling.

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The activists (who are one and the same as "journalists" these days) prefer to have a pliable puppet in office. It's not like senile octagenarian in the Oval Office is versed in up-to-the minute trans-insanity, and yet his policies are in lockstep with it.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

Anyone calling it “ableist” doesn’t give a hoot about disabled individuals — they are simply attempting to silence criticism and discussion. Imagine if this had happened to Oz.

And why isn’t Fettermann talking for himself? He wants to represent the citizens of PA? Let’s hear from him directly…enough with the surrogates already.

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The left needs a victim narrative. It is like a perpetual political affirmative action blanket protection preventing the true assessment of demonstrated capability. Not only does the health of Fetterman need to be a consideration (as is the health of all politicians... like Joe Biden) but also his life experience being financially supported by his parents until well into his 40s.

We are supposed to elect people with some wisdom from a life of some level of genuine human struggle and perseverance. John Fetterman is so far down the hierarchy for this, the fact that he is even a consideration should raise all of our hackles.

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Yeah, the guy was not great shakes even before the stroke. His politics alone are scary enough.

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