In the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, which was written before the birth of eschatology, the lesson is that knowledge and mortality are intertwined. You cannot have knowledge and immortality. I take solace and comfort in that.
Ignatieff, born into his position in life, catastrophically wrong about the Iraq war, can take consolation in the fact that he paid no personal or professional price for it whatsoever. And is indeed still invited to opine about the world.
In the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, which was written before the birth of eschatology, the lesson is that knowledge and mortality are intertwined. You cannot have knowledge and immortality. I take solace and comfort in that.
Ignatieff, born into his position in life, catastrophically wrong about the Iraq war, can take consolation in the fact that he paid no personal or professional price for it whatsoever. And is indeed still invited to opine about the world.