I think this really strikes the right balance between ignoring the ugly sins of the past and cancelling great historical figures because of their obvious contradictions and imperfections. And indeed, what we all need now is a lot of humility. What all the 'woke' people today don't realize, is that history will judge their own contradictions and imperfections too. Impossible to judge any historical figure by current standards, all we can do is honestly look closely at both their virtues and flaws and learn from them

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Well said, sir.

I question, though, the value of learning about the specific failings of historical figures, 𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘦. I am already aware that not-only is no one perfect but anyone has the potential for extremes of both good and evil, sometimes simultaneously. Had Washington not owned slaves I would still not believe that he 𝘀𝘰𝘢𝘭π˜₯𝘯'𝘡 have owned slaves. I am not interested in history as hagiography, but no more am I interest in it as gossip. I don't learn it in order to know whose statues to tear down.

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Mar 1, 2022Β·edited Mar 1, 2022

In my search for role models, or more generally for people I can admire, I've read numerous bios of historical figures. It has been a sustaining experience, one of the richest of my life. To mention a few, biographies of G. Washington, T. Roosevelt and Churchill have thrilled me and shown what a man is capable of being. These biographies did not fail to mention the weaknesses of their subject. That was part of their heroic story. Lefties are robbing young people from ever having this experience. And don't fall for their propaganda line that balance is what they seek. We already had good balance in the teaching of history. They want to change the narrative of the U.S. from positive to negative, and aggrandize themselves in the process.

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Delighted to read that thoughtful and carefully balanced account of historical figures. Now that there is so much point making and 'heat" circulating on line and in print. LIfe is complicated, so are people, THANKYOU!

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The fundamental problem everywhere with β€œall men are created equal” is, and always has been, who qualifies as β€œmen”.

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Mar 10, 2022Β·edited Mar 10, 2022

Holy shit, they got Michael Walzer? As in "Spheres of Justice" Michael Walzer? If this is indicative of the quality of guest authors I should expect from this newsletter then it's totally worth the $250. That's like getting Rawls to come on your podcast.

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