Yascha's statement on the election -- the first 3 minutes -- is the good part.

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Such a great podcast. Ive been hearing about this view significantly on the right, but the first time Ive heard it on a center-left podcast. Kudos to Yascha for having the great Gregory Clark on.

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You indicate some pleasant surprise over the fact that Trump could be unseated democratically, but that's because your starting point is that he has "done serious damage to the rule of law and the separation of powers". Perhaps the lesson to draw is that your starting point is incorrect. One needn't say anything positive about Trump's presidency to still maintain that he left the rule of law and the separation of powers pretty-much as he found them. Tweets aren't Executive Orders, and though most of the Republicans in Congress were supine during the whole presidential term, that's just disgraceful -- it hasn't changed our system of government.

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