Consumer prices have dropped? You sure? Or has the rate of price growth moderated significantly? Because I think that might be the rub right there. I think voters want more stimulus money, but they want it to be deflationary, because we have never, as a people, seen a cake that we didn't want to have and eat as well.

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Your arm just got cut off and you are slowly bleeding to death, but the Democrat messaging is that your life is good and you would know it if you just turned off Fox News.

Here is the thing that Democrats are missing. Ask a voter this question "What about Joe Biden and his administration are you looking forward to given the track record of his current term?"

The answer is "more of the same" and that scares the crap out of most voters.

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You seem to share the Biden team consensus that it's just a matter of getting people to understand that the economy is actually good. I have no direct knowledge of this, but I assume, on general principles, that there are economists who will contradict your assessment of the economy, and maybe the problem is that they're right.

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Just a single datapoint for your consideration. I have a favorite cookie made by Keebler called Grasshoppers. At Safeway the package was usually priced between $3.69 and $4.29 for three 10" rows of cookies stacked on the sides. Yesterday at Safeway I picked up a package off the shelf and was surprised to be holding Grasshoppers now packed in two 6" rows and priced at $4.99. It's hard to believe the president about how good we have it when we keep getting punched in the face.

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The trouble isn’t with Bidenomics, as you prove with data and facts. The trouble is FOR Bidenomics.

The Republicans, the party that has campaigned for generations building a reputation as fiscally conservative and responsible has been TRUMPted and fallen in step with a LIAR who hasn’t met data he won’t ignore or a fact (established truth) he won’t deny.

They won’t even listen to Mitt Romney or Susan Collins.

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The problem for an incumbent is that the economy can only hurt chances for re-election because the voting public is never really satisfied. A healthy economy means that most voters are doing a little bit better or no worse than they were. How can an incumbent turn that into votes?

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