Persuasion hosted its weekly social hour. Attend our future Persuasion happy hours by subscribing and join us via Zoom to meet more of our growing community!
Book Clubs
David French will join us on September 29th at 8pm Eastern Time to lead a discussion on his latest book Divided We Fall: America's Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation.
Daniel Finkelstein will join us on October 7th at 5:30pm Eastern Time to discuss his latest book Everything in Moderation.
Ian Buruma will join us on October 13th at 12:30pm Eastern Time to discuss his newest book The Churchill Complex: The Curse of Being Special, from Winston and FDR to Trump and Brexit.Â
Book Clubs are reserved for founding members. The aspiration of the book clubs is to have a serious (and fun) conversation about a book we have all read. So please be sure to read before we meet!
Need Sane Advice for an Insane World?
Send your questions to our advice columnist, Kat Rosenfield, at persuasion.advice@gmail.com. We will of course preserve your anonymity.
In Case You Missed It…
Rogers Brubaker discusses the dangers of race reductionism.
Kat Rosenfield answered more of your questions in her second installment of her advice column.
KC Johnson argues for a better way to deal with sexual assault on campuses.
In case someone who can help sees this: Is there something I need to do to be admitted to the Zoom happy hour? I purchased a membership today but am stuck at the "host will let you in soon" page in Zoom.