I was never under the impression that there was a lull in fighting - to me it was obvious that what was meant by a "frozen" war was WWI style stalemate. One which will quite possibly last for several years. Another catastrophic fiasco by the neocon morons who have directed US foreign policy for thirty years.

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Let's revisit history. If the UK and France had not abandoned Czechoslovakia, and Germany had to try to take the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia by force, would the situation have played out much like what is happening between Russia and the Ukraine today? The situations are not the same but may be analogous. Like Russia 20 months ago, Germany was not at the time fully mobilized for war. Further, the Czechs were better prepared and armed than the Ukrainians were or, perhaps, are. Would the fighting in Europe have remained a regional conflict? With the European countries not at war or already conquered, would Japan have dared to move on the European colonies in Asia? Without having to protect an expanded sphere of influence, would Japan attack the US at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines?

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