Well, we know now that if it comes down to it that if armed police in bulletproof vests have to save their own A&&es or try to save a room full of 4th grader Latino kid, they choose themselves. And, yes, I mention Latino kids because this was Texas and the Gregg Abbot types don’t really give a damn about those kids. Neither do the cops. Yes, this is a sick and broken country where the “Christians are ‘pro life’” but also rank hypocrites.

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A perfectly sane set of recommendations. That gun control cannot and will not solve the problem is not a reason not to follow these prescriptions, which will at the very least chip away at the problem and make Uvaldes a little less likely to recur.

But the very best part of the article is the contrast in gun culture now versus, say, 30-40 years ago. I grew up in Texas and was taught to use a gun in exactly the same way: with respect for its danger and strict protocol for its use. It used to be a matter of huge pride by hunters and other gun owners that they were so strict about how to hold a gun, where to point it, to ensure the safety was on until a shot was to be fired, etc. Has that truly gone by the wayside? If so, THAT is a very easy place to start, and one that should not offend even the staunchest Libertarian.

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"In the U.S., there have already been 213 mass shootings—defined as an incident where four or more people are shot—this year alone."

This is a bit of a disingenuous claim in that it is pulling in mostly inner city gang violence. There have been only 13 mass school shootings in the last 56 years. One is too many, but let's not inflate the problem.

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“Inner city” people don’t count? How many children and young mother and grandmas get hit by stray bullets? Plenty. Let’s not not inflate the problem.

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They count, but Chicago is a gun free zone. Try some critical thinking.

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Only 13 mass shootings in the last 56 years? What is your source for this claim? Please consult the May 26, 2022, Business Insider listing of the 30 deadliest mass shootings in US history (https://www.businessinsider.com/deadliest-mass-shootings-in-us-history-2017-10 ). At least 28 of the shootings listed occurred in the last 56 years—one was exactly 56 years ago, and another was before that—and none of them involved inner-city gang violence. The list is limited to shootings with 10 or more fatalities; if it had included those with 4 or more fatalities, it would have been even longer. While I agree that we don’t want to inflate the problem, neither should we deflate it.

BTW, I own a firearm, and support the right of most citizens to own firearms—and I also support Saul’s recommendations.

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13 mass school shootings.

"Business Insider" is owned by a German media company committed to the Klaus Scwabb globalist project.

Try this... https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-we-know-about-mass-school-shootings-mdash-and-shooters-mdash-in-the-u-s/

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I went through the listing and checked on each of the shootings independently. Most of them I remember. None of them involved inner-city gang violence.

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Given that AR-15-style guns appear to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters, and given that as far as I'm aware there's nothing a law-abiding citizen can do with them that you can't do with all the guns that are still going to be legal, what exactly is the case against banning them?

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May 28, 2022·edited May 28, 2022

These are reasonable actions. But the Orange Clown actually put his finger on it when he said if we can spend 40 billion on Ukraine, why not secure our schools. It's just a matter of money. We know how to make buildings impregnable, we do it all the time. There are too many reasons why these school shootings happen to stop them any other way.

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