Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

We need billionaires who will put money behind a centrist third party. With as little as 15% of legislature seats both nationally and in states, this party could do much good, doing deals with whichever major party was most reasonable on a particular issue. Common sense and common decency could be a slogan. The party could take a federalist approach to most hot-button social issues. It could cut regulation and foster a dynamic economy while maintaining strong support for the defensible parts of the welfare state. There's great pent-up demand for a reasonable alternative to the current extremes. All it would take to jump-start this party is a simple, concrete vision, one attractive leader and money.

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Destroying over regulated liberal government in entirety bc of scientific stagnation is idiotic. Adjustment is far superior than revolution in this domain. How do we get to the real concerns of over regulation when people want to destroy things like the peaceful transition of power? I find this style repugnant, especially from religious nutjobs.

Also Mimetic desire, wanting things bc other people want them is child-like, not a way to understand everything. Very little causal power.

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Nice thorough job on the article. Very informative.

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