I cannot see this new ideology as anything other than requiring the forcible conversion of all Jews and Muslims, presumably by the application of 'hot irons'. How this is different from what we experienced in Germany in the middle of the last century is not clear to me. How can anyone treat this as anything other than religious totalitarianism? Why are liberals not calling this out as the worst aspects of the Inquisition being revived?

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I hope American Catholic integralists and other post-liberal types remember that religious freedom is what allowed Catholics and their faith to flourish in America, especially during eras when the Protestant majority did not want them around.

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Some words of advice for the Catholic Integralists. Be careful what you ask for. You may bring on a theocracy just one in tune with a different god using unfamiliar rituals and liturgy.

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According to the concept of integralism, it would seem that 'wokism' also counts as 'integrationalist' insofar as it pursues government and corporate coerced enforcement of moral standards. It even has a pope in Ibram Kendi!

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The religious wars in Europe, in the 16th and 17th centuries, or the murder of the Huguenots in Catholic France or the bloody suppression of the Christians by the Emperors before Constantine or the behavior of the Taliban or the Iranian Mullas show what happens when religion gets its hands on the levers of state power. If you aren’t a devotee of the dominant sect, you are screwed. Why would anyone want such a thing.

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Basically, one more example of right-wing collectivism

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New Crusades. A repeat of the European wars of religion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_wars_of_religion?wprov=sfti1

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