I was not a fan of Limbaugh and never listened to him, but I don't find this amateur psychoanalysis persuasive at all.

"protests and riots in Ferguson, Missouri after the death of Michael Brown; Eric Garner’s death in Staten Island; Trayvon Martin’s death in Sanford, Florida in 2012; and George Zimmerman’s acquittal. . . .And what they produce for so many people—not just liberal but conservative, not just white but black, brown, and other—is anxiety, guilt and confusion. The weight of injustice and suffering is just too heavy to ignore'

Even as someone who voted straight Dem his whole life until very recently, it was clear to me that a far left black nationalist activist class was weaponizing these incidents to push their extreme anti-law enforcement agenda, and the MSM was all too happy to go along with it.

Brown was a thug who really was assaulting an officer when he was shot, shortly after he'd finished robbing a store and assaulting someone else, as Obama's own DOJ established. Garner was a low life breaking the law and resisting arrest, and his ilk have once again been given free reign in NYC to everyone else's detriment. Martin was also assaulting the person who killed him in self-defense.

More importantly, even if every one of these incidents was perfect example of an unwarranted killing of an innocent person, they would still be a handful of isolated incidents in a nation of 330 MILLION people where every year almost a hundred people are killed by their own lawnmowers.

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Comparing Rush and his program to MSNBC is a swing and a miss. Limbaugh always admitted that his show was entertainment. MSNBC is a cable news channel.

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To this day, the lies about Ferguson have continued. No less than Kamala Harris has claimed that Michael Brown was 'murdered'. Of course, other's have lied about Michael Brown / Ferguson. The list of liars includes E. Warren and T. Coates. Have any of the Ferguson liars been punished / condemned in any way? Of course, not.

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“Grief, shame, guilt and confusion become anger, resentment, contempt, and certainty.” This idea reminds of the phrase, “The only emotion that men are allowed to express is anger.” It is no surprise that Rush’s audience is made up of mostly men, 72% men according to Pew Research study in 2009. American culture discourages and looks down upon expressions of grief or shame and it elevates displays of anger as demonstrating strength.

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Oh, and anyone who thinks it's unfair to call Limbaugh a racist might want to remember the time he told a caller "Take the bone out of your nose and call back."

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Oppenheimer's right, the last thing we need is a "Rush of the left". In fact, one of the ways of illustrating the difference between liberalism and conservatism is that no one who's tried to be the liberal version on Limbaugh has ever succeeded, and no one who's tried to be the conservative version of Jon Stewart has ever succeeded

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