I read up until "The Syrian government did this by drawing a military cordon around Aleppo. Something similar has been underway in Gaza for decades." It's false. Many Gazans came regularly into Israel and even more traveled wherever they wanted via Egypt.

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I think it is a fallacy to believe that anti-terrorism foments terrorism. Just like the fallacy that neutering law enforcement will result in better angels and less crime. The justification for terrorism and crime are similar and often linked… that the terrorist and criminal are part of an oppressed people that have the right to behave in immoral ways because of the oppression. The problem is that this feeling of oppression is often relative to the observation of what others have, and since somebody else will always have more, the justification is perpetual. Secondly, the immoral behavior becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as the bad festers in the culture of the people and makes them unwanted by everyone else. The only remedy and redemption for this situation is to make the people so much more miserable that they begin to seek a different path. They must be made tired of the negative impacts derived from their bad behavior and not energized by it.

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