I started a group about 6 months back on FB title Roy Cooper for President in 2024. Roy is my governor in NC and is well liked and won twice in a state that voted for Romney and twice for Trump. He is term limited so he cant run again in 2024. Southern centrist governors have done well for a first term- think Carter and Clinton. Andy Basheer fits that category.

Alas, I seem to be a devotee of St. Jude the patron saint of lost causes as nary a peep out of the governor but I hope maybe we can bang the pots and pans and get somebody other than the eccentric wing to run.

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Democrats need to pray that Biden has a health problem sometime soon and has to drop out.

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Except that would leave Kamala...

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Biden has "earned it" by stopping the Trump threat in its tracks, dragging us back, little by little and month by month, from the brink, and oh, yeah, by implementing sane, effective policies to bring the pandemic to an end, to bring the economy back, and by rallying democratic countries to confront the first war of aggression in Europe in over seventy years. MAGA was stopped, but it's still not out of commission and determined to come back, and the reasoning of the article is that this must be the perfect time for a roll of the dice? No, thanks: this is one game where the challenge "double or nothing" really DOES mean that we're left with NOTHING if we lose, and I don't like those odds.

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

As a lifelong Democrat, I have actually been quite horrified by the internet censorship and much of Biden’s Covid response - issues the author disapproves of the media giving attention to with the Kennedy run. I’m disappointed by your glib dismissal of these issues.

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Whether a challenge to Biden is good depends on who the challengers are, apart from fringe types. A challenge from a moderate would leave the moderate wing of the party looking bad, even if most of them backed Biden. A challenge from the left would give him the opportunity to look good in contrast, but might force him leftward to tamp down the challenge.

It might have been better had he chosen not run again, but oh well. In any case, I look forward to fiercely fought 2028 primaries. Hopefully, in addition to standard progressives and militant left-wingers, there will be an aggressively centrist candidate who brings in independents, and rallies the racially diverse working class voters the political class takes for granted or condescends to.

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My opinion has been, and still is, that Biden should replace K. Harris with either C. Booker or A. Klobuchar and then resign. The sad truth is that I don't think this will happen.

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Biden cannot be seen publicly as responsible for dropping VP Harris; it would cost a huge chunk of the party's core constituency. The one solution I can see is for a couple of the most prominent Democratic Black leaders to persuade Harris to retire "voluntarily" her position. I feel sure some prestige, high paying sinecure requiring little real work can be found to offer her.

What really worries me is that the Democratic leaning commentators all seem to have their fingers in their ears while they chant la la la la , to drown out the reality of how Trump or any other GOP candidate will certainly campaign against a Biden Harris ticket. Given that Trump has no civility filter and that his vulgar cruelty is the main attraction for his supporters, I can't imagine how scurrilous his attacks might be.

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Given Biden's ever decreasing approval levels, the questions on his age and mental fitness, and the sheer ineptitude of Harris, Trump or any other GOP candidate won't have to attack that hard.

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Note that I suggested Cory Booker and Amy Klobuchar as replacements for Kamala Harris. Picking either of them would mitigate any protests. Sure some private grumbling... and some public support would occur.

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