After escaping from catastrophe, the lesson for Democrats should not be let’s continue doing what we have been doing. The Democrats must keep their left “kamikaze” wing in check and find strong presidential candidates whose last names are not Biden or Harris.

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Florida destroys this thesis. The Demoncrat machine is just pivoting to target DeSantis as the new devil they must destroy, and the people of Florida to be branded as racists and misogynists.

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Yeah, those Hispanic voters in Miami...

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Every voter demographic in Florida.

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First off, remember that Democrats funded some of the more radical Republican candidates in the primaries, which I think is despicable, but it seems to have worked somewhat, in addition to the "threat to democracy" ploy. The issue that Repubs missed the mark on is abortion. I am a pragmatic conservative that sees abortion as not ideal but sometimes necessary and certainly needs to be available for rape, incest or maternal health issues. Unless Republicans show some moderation this will be a continuing roadblock for some voters.

I also don't believe that the Dems are as focused on the working class like they were in the past, and have become the party of elites. The climate proposals are not likely to help the working class in the long run as fuel prices rise and the fallout is more inflation, which may turn the tide in '24. If the Dems continue to lean more leftward, this may drive more moderate Hispanics and Blacks toward the Republicans in the future.

I am not surprised at all by the continued Democrat domination in the Northeast, Upper Midwest and West Coast areas.

With DeSantis' great showing in Florida, he shows himself as a good potential contender going forward. Even some Dems in Florida are happy with him.

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"The issue that Repubs missed the mark on is abortion."

I am so sick of this meme as it lacks political relevance. The decision was a court decision... and one that was a long-time coming as even RBG admitted was needed. The political decision goes to the states.

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While I agree with you, but many in both parties do not understand that.

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The media is supposed to explain this to the people.

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Right 🤣.

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This honest, insightful, succinct and non-partisan article sums up in a nutshell the election results. It spares no criticism for either party and makes clear the path forward…

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Certainly we can all agree with the author's statement that "most Americans don’t want a bunch of weirdos in charge of the government" which explains why 'center left' voters went for Biden in the first place and now Fetterman.

Clearly, they are two individuals who voters can count on to secure America's precious freedoms.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Here's the lesson lefty Dems will take from this: Business as usual, we can take moderate's votes for granted. Except mine. I abstained.

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