While I’m sure some governments will attempt geo-engineering as the push to go green doesn’t go very far, there’s another option societies have: adapting to a planet with a much more turbulent climate. There would certainly be high costs (overhauling and reinforcing infrastructure, trying to shift populations away from coasts, trying to grow different crops, efforts to reduce consumption during economic growth periods to ensure surpluses during climate-induced economic hard times). But they may be costs societies are more willing to bear than the risk of technological tinkering with potentially disastrous results.

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Your compelling analysis really lays out the problem. Your graph shows so clearly how global CO2 emissions and global wealth per capital rise over time at rates very similar to the rise in global population. I can add one more voice to the voices already supporting yours. Not mine, Pogo’s. He was the animated possum in Walt Kelly’s syndicated cartoon. He was a relentless advocate for Okefenoekee Swamp, his home. He summed up the entire problem for his world in just nine words: “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

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