Ian Fleming heroicized for all the world the British intelligence agent in James Bond. In his new book Ian Fleming: The Complete Man, renowned biographer Nicholas Shakespeare digs into the legend of Fleming himself. Like his most famous character, Fleming’s life was colorfully marked by high-stakes intelligence, alcohol, and dalliances with women. Yet Fleming was tormented rather than buoyed by his literary success. Shakespeare joins host Richard Aldous to discuss the turbulent life of the man who gave the world 007.
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Episode 139: Nicholas Shakespeare on Ian Fleming
Episode 139: Nicholas Shakespeare on Ian Fleming
Apr 26, 2024
Biweekly conversations between Richard Aldous, Bard College professor and distinguished historian, and authors on their newest books.
Biweekly conversations between Richard Aldous, Bard College professor and distinguished historian, and authors on their newest books.Listen on
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Episode 139: Nicholas Shakespeare on Ian Fleming