An unassuming high-school dropout, the son of Holocaust survivors, Bob Gersony became the U.S. government’s most intrepid researcher and reporter, a humanitarian icon who never lost sight of the importance of reconciling values with national interests. Bestselling author Robert D. Kaplan joins Richard Aldous to discuss human rights, activism, realism, and his new book, The Good American: The Epic Life of Bob Gersony, the U.S. Government’s Greatest Humanitarian.
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Episode 15: Robert D. Kaplan on Humanitarian Bob Gersony
Episode 15: Robert D. Kaplan on Humanitarian Bob Gersony
Feb 12, 2021
Biweekly conversations between Richard Aldous, Bard College professor and distinguished historian, and authors on their newest books.
Biweekly conversations between Richard Aldous, Bard College professor and distinguished historian, and authors on their newest books.Listen on
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Episode 15: Robert D. Kaplan on Humanitarian Bob Gersony