I believe that wide variation in the expression of cultural gender, including culture "genders" other than just "masculine" and "feminine", are a normal part of human diversity, just as being gay or lesbian is. I don't care what bathroom you use. But I also believe in the reality and consequentiality of biological sex, I don't believe that "Transwomen are Women," and I think that "Affirmative Care" for minors is not well founded in science and research.

So I have gone from Certified Ally* to dirty TERF, though not an opinion of mine has changed.

I've accepted that I am probably not going to change my views to suit the New Doctrines, because they are in conflict with my connection to reality.

So here is how I cope with my TERFery:

a) I generally don't engage with the issue in my personal life unless it comes up naturally in conversation with someone who I know really well. I'm a Nice White Suburban Mom, and there is wide omertà around the transgender issue because it creates an intolerable ideological death match between the two things that Nice White Suburban Moms hold most dear - 1) our self image as Kind, Tolerant, and Enlightened-by-NPR members of the Anti-Trump Resistance and 2) our concern for the wellbeing of our daughters and their fair access to things like sports and locker rooms. This is irreconcilable and therefore unspeakable. When it comes up in conversation everyone's face goes white and someone will end the conversation by saying "It's just too....HARD." So no point in bringing it up, but if I'm asked, I will be gently honest.

b) I raise my daughters to be kind, but gender critical. I teach them that their bodies are what make them girls, and that they can be any kind of girl they want to be. I also teach them that you can respect a person and enthusiastically support their civil rights to live as they choose while not agreeing with their opinions or worldview, and that being able to do so is one of the most basic skills required of citizens in a liberal democracy. Respectful disagreement with someone's worldview is not being "unkind" or "intolerant".

c) We're taking the Benedict Option for adolescence. My daughters don't go on the internet or social media unless it is for school. They can get smartphones when they get a job to pay for them themselves. And while I adore my kids' public grade school, we are doing Catholic school for grades 5 and up to avoid any uncomfortable locker room situations, minimize unhealthy social groups, and so we can have confidence that the anthropology of the person that they are being taught is one that we (mostly) believe in.

So basically my strategy for dealing with my newfound TERFdom is a mix of prudence, avoidance, being a parent, and just being OK with having untrendy views. I avoid unnecessary confrontation.

*I used to work at a university, yes there is such a thing as certification for allies.

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That is so eloquently stated. I have been a “live and let live” social liberal pretty much all my life, and it’s been really disconcerting to find myself painted as “unkind” and “bigoted”. Like you, I decided that I’m ok with being untrendy on this issue, since I know that I do my best to be kind and open hearted.

Also Certified Ally? Really? I don’t quite know what to think, except that the word ally makes me think of war. If there are defined allies, then there must be defined enemies, and territory to be defended and... I feel very very old these days.

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I feel old, too even though I'm just in my early 40s.

But I remind myself that I am not "old." I'm an adult in the prime of my life. I've earned my adulthood and my right to participate in the public square.

I don't buy into the idea that we "old" people need to "let the children lead the way" on this or any issue, as some frame it, especially considering that the people framing it that way are usually "old" themselves, adults in media and academia, whose power and authority is dependent on "normie" parents ceding our own.

Our job as adults is to help form the young people in our IRL communities; to give them boundaries and safeguard their health, to teach them to look at issues from different angles, to be tolerant of other points of view without casually throwing around slurs like "bigot", to give them space to explore their "identity" while also guiding them towards a responsible and mature view of what it means to be a person and a citizen, and to help them grow out of short term thinking and the kind of emotionalism and ideological rigidity that characterizes so much (completely normal) adolescent discourse.

I came of age in the 80s and 90s. My parents were "mean parents," did not glorify youth culture, promoted responsible adulthood as the goal, and refused to cede their duty as parents to MTV and Seventeen Magazine. I'm glad they were "mean parents." My siblings and I all ended up as solid, productive adults.

I similarly refuse to cede my duty as a parent and an adult to Tumblr and Teen Vogue just because I'm "old."

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Not a ton to say here other than very well said. I especially love the sentiment, 'Respectful disagreement with someone's worldview is not being "unkind" or "intolerant".'

Jonathan Rausch does a great job in Kindly Inquisitors in highlighting the hypocrisy of the movement towards mandated speech/thought in that the calculus is articulated as harm vs. no harm BUT there very much is harm when those who have certain views intend to "punish" those with views they do not like (and leverage the power of an institution, the state or likeminded individuals to do it).

Regardless, I, too, am struggling with the fact that our enlightened perspective of "live and let live" is now considered harmful - not because we're too supportive of minority perspectives but because we are not sufficiently intolerant to those who hold majority perspectives.

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Examples of TERF opinions: 1) opposing allowing confused teens or children as young as 5 years old to be mutilated by surgery or irreversible hormone therapy because they or their parents “feel” they are actually the “wrong gender.” 2) opposing allowing convicted male sex offenders to define themselves as women so as to assigned to female prisons. 3) opposing school athletic associations to allow men calling themselves as women To compete in women’s sports, thus garnering championships and scholarships which otherwise would have gone to women. In short, a terf is a feminist in the original sense and not at all radical. As Dave Barry would say, “I am not making this up.”

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TERF is a slur and is used to incite violence. There are valid concerns about erasing biology and having biological sex be conflated with gender preferences under law.

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I’ve got a few words for tall guy, from the perspective of a petite woman and my time in the dating scene a decade ago.

I found a distinct pattern interacting with big men - they were almost uniformly respectful of my space and incredibly good at reading body language cues. I was never hassled by a big man, for instance, if I said no thank you to him buying me a drink. He might still try to charm me, but he did it with however much physical space between us as I wanted. If I was at a crowded table with a big guy on one side of me and an average guy on the other, and I needed to push into someone’s physical space to slip off the stool, the bigger guy was always more likely to “be a gentleman” and make space for me to get past. The average guy, maybe and maybe not.

This was such a strong pattern, and various girlfriends of mine had similar experiences, I finally developed a theory - a big man is simply more aware of the space around him. A man who’s 5’9” may not register the small gestures a woman makes when she’s physically uncomfortable with him in her space because he generally doesn’t have to make space calculations - doesn’t have to duck under a ceiling fan, be careful of smacking his head on a low door lintel, doesn’t have to figure out how to fold himself into the backseat of a friend’s Volkswagen, doesn’t have to insist on the exit row seat on an airplane to keep his legs from cramping in economy class seats. There are lots of ways to gain physical self awareness, so it’s not exclusively the purview of the big men, it’s just that they don’t have the option of NOT being aware of how they fit into the space around them. That’s my 2 cent theory anyway.

Having worked closely with domestic violence survivors, this guy is probably really hyper aware of what signals a woman gives when she’s uncomfortable or afraid for her safety. And he probably experienced that aimed at him reflexively from women who were still traumatized by current or recent experience. Living in a violent home gives you constant PTSD, so it’s not actually representative of how he is seen by women in general.

I hope he’ll put himself in social situations with women who are interested in dating. I think he’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that his awareness of his size and understanding of her body language actually makes women more comfortable with him and interested in dating him, rather than fearful of him.

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I am a petite woman married to a big man and I have had this same experience.

My husband explicitly told me that as a big man he is particularly aware of how he manages personal space when he is around women because he doesn't want to come off as intimidating or unsafe.

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Kat, I read your article several time, but have no I idea what a TERF is. And if it's what's referred to below (a slur and is used to incite violence in the femisnistcurrent.com link), what does it have to do with your essays? Persuasion is a community meant to enlighten, not confuse.

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A TERF is a slur used for anyone who disagrees that someone who identifies as a gender opposite the one that reflects their biological sex should be considered to be, by law, the sex they identify as. For example, a biologically male prisoner convicted of rape could declare they are a woman and would then be female UNDER LAW and be placed in a womens' prison. If you disagree with that, you're a TERF.

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It stands for "Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist," but it is used frequently for people like JK Rowling who are fine with trans people (as am I) but simply don't want the legal definition of sex changed to allow the conflation of gender identity with biological sex.

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It is a slur used in a way to ensure that dialogue does not happen. I really don't like everything the gender critical feminists believe in as I think they can be very rigid in their definition of man/women and their use of pronouns, bathroom use, etc. but they bring up issues that deserve to be discussed/ debated. The gender critical peeps and the gender identity peeps tend to both be of the liberal persuasion... It seems when debating within one's own group the trouble begins.

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I believe this is the second thing I've read by Kat in the past week where she has referenced "It". I am sensing some deep-seated clown issues. Hoping we can get to the bottom of this.

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