I'd say Rwanda is way down on the list of things to be worried about. That guy took a country where a million people were hacked to death with machettes by their neighbors and in 25 years turned it into one of the most stable, prosperous, and safe countries on the whole continent. Now for some reason he is getting singled out for doing what pretty much every African ruler does.

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Every African ruler doesn't do this and normalising authoritarian repression is a bad idea. Economic performance does not justify being a Dictator. If his performance is so good, why does he need to suppress criticism?

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Nearly all of them do. That is an unfortunate reality but it *is* the reality. It is fully normalized in Africa and needs no further normalizing from us. What Kagame accomplished goes far beyond "economic performance." Criticize him for it, fine, but he is singled out far more often than his far worse peers.

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Thank you Andrew Stroeheim for bringing theses to mind. What do we do though?

A general thought is the value of immigration and particularly asylum if communities (if not whole countries) around the globe can be convinced of the value to them. As you well point out authoritarianism is not necessarily a distant threat and we would be prudent to take heed. Introducing people from troubled places helps us connect with those places -- at least to give us a look. Beyond that it can begin a flow of money earned here back into those places and create a basis for exchanges of people and even trade. The resistance to immigration from the wealthy countries could be lessened by moving that decision making to more local levels where specific needs are satisfied.

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