Sitemap - 2022 - Persuasion

Shadi Hamid on the Tensions Between Liberalism and Democracy

The Intolerable Risks of Frozen Conflicts

Turning the Page

This Week at Persuasion

Heaven and Nature Sing

Biden Should Not Run in 2024


With a Mighty Hand

Biden Should Run in 2024

Vetocracy and Climate Adaptation

Episode 88: Megan Walsh on China’s Lively Literary Scene

Episode 88: Megan Walsh on China’s Lively Literary Scene

Episode 88: Megan Walsh on China’s Lively Literary Scene

January 11, 2023: The Corrupting of Philanthropy with Craig Kennedy

January 10, 2023: Breakfast with Franziska Brantner, German state secretary for economy, energy, and climate, to discuss Ukraine.

The Revolt Against Iran's Theocratic Regime

Trump Stops Working for the Working Class

The Supreme Court Needs a Code of Conduct

January 9, 2023: Women in Wartime - Lessons from Ukraine with Oksana Kis, Elaine Showalter, and Sonya Michel. Moderated by Carolyn Stewart.

January 6, 2023: Iran, Sanctions, and Political Change with Stuart Levey

January 5, 2023: How to Assist the Iranian Revolution with Eric Edelman, Ray Takeyh, and William Kristol

December 19: Former Ukrainian Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko on Reconstructing Ukraine

Wisdom from Warsaw

Americans Don’t Want Election Deniers

December 15, 2022: Nima Rashedan on "Fissures in the Iranian Regime."

Episode 87: Jacob Soll on the Ever-Changing Free Market

Episode 87: Jacob Soll on the Ever-Changing Free Market

Episode 87: Jacob Soll on the Ever-Changing Free Market

What Makes a Nation?

The Coming Winter War

The "Twitter Files" Show It’s Time to Reimagine Free Speech Online

Ben Rhodes on Where American Foreign Policy Went Wrong

China's Maritime Control

The Irony at the End of History

Revolution Returns to Iran

Are Local Politics Extinct?

The Curriculum Wars Are Based On An Illusion

This Week at Persuasion

How Not to do Charity

December 8, 2022: William Inboden discusses his new book, “The Peacemaker: Ronald Reagan, the Cold War, and the World on the Brink.” Moderated by Iulia-Sabina Joja.

Freedom of Speech

Episode 86: John A. Farrell on Ted Kennedy’s Epic, Turbulent Life

Episode 86: John A. Farrell on Ted Kennedy’s Epic, Turbulent Life

Episode 86: John A. Farrell on Ted Kennedy’s Epic, Turbulent Life

VIDEO: Francis Fukuyama Introduces the Deep State Series

The Iran You Don't Know

James Kirchick on America’s Enormous Progress on Gay Rights

The Respect for Marriage Act Is Historic

Now Trending: Technocracy

December 7, 2022: Former Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Zagorodnyuk on "Russia's War: What Ukraine Still Needs to Prevail."

Ugly Honest Grover Cleveland

Letting Silence Speak

What Does Peter Thiel Want?

Persuasion is Hiring!

This Week at Persuasion

Russia's Radical Right

An Empty Treasury and a War To Fight

Amor Habendi

How Liberals Lost Their Way on Affirmative Action

Danielle Allen on the Enduring Relevance of the Constitution

The Art of Consolation

This Week at Persuasion

Russia: The Burden of History

Good Riddance to Crypto, or How Everything is Related to Everything Else

EU à la Carte

Out of Many, One Europe

Thibault Muzergues

What Mexico Gets Right About Race

Renée DiResta on How (Not) to Fix Social Media

Episode 85: Gautam Mukunda on Choosing a Presidential Candidate

Episode 85: Gautam Mukunda on Choosing a Presidential Candidate

Episode 85: Gautam Mukunda on Choosing a Presidential Candidate

Four Scenarios for the 2024 Republican Primaries

The Network State

The Garden of the Beasts

Don't Go Wobbly on Ukraine

Orbán Fires America

Why Trust In Journalism Has Collapsed

This Week at Persuasion

The Monarchy Strengthens British Democracy

Baryshnikov in Sneakers

Another Good Week

Ed Luce on America’s Future After the Midterms

Episode 84: Rita Katz on Internet-Age Terrorism

Episode 84: Rita Katz on Internet-Age Terrorism

Episode 84: Rita Katz on Internet-Age Terrorism

Why The Red Wave Didn’t Happen

Frederick Douglass' Perfect Pitch

What the Midterms Meant

The Veteran

The Slavic Battle of the Books

When Legend Becomes Fact, Print the Legend

This Week at Persuasion

Midterm Elections

A Dispatch from the Exhausted Majority

Chief Twit Elon Musk

Why Bolsonaro Is Going Quietly

Russ Muirhead on the Enduring Appeal of Conspiracy Theory

What Is Integralism?

Democracy in America

When Partisans Cry Wolf

When Assisted Suicide Goes Too Far

My Family and Molotov-Ribbentrop

This Week at Persuasion

The Powers of the Modern Administrative Government

Episode 83: Stefan Aust and Adrian Geiges on Xi Jinping’s Hidden Story

Episode 83: Stefan Aust and Adrian Geiges on Xi Jinping’s Hidden Story

Episode 83: Stefan Aust and Adrian Geiges on Xi Jinping’s Hidden Story

Russia's Pseudo-Intellectuals

The Good Listener: A Halloween Trick

An Imperial Mindset

Sam Harris on Whether Religion Really Does Make Everything Worse

Avoiding an Authoritarian Future

The New Nihilists

Past Putin

How China Exerts Its Power

Will the Best of All Possible Worlds Continue?

This Week at Persuasion

What Liz Truss Proved

Power and Prudence

Gabriel Scheinmann

Valuing the Deep State Part VI: Schedule F

December 1, 2022: Hedwig Richter and Michael Kimmage discuss "Democracy—A German Affair?"

November 4, 2022: Bill Kristol discusses "The Midterms and the Shape of the New"

Lis Smith on What Democrats Do Wrong

October 27, 2022: Fritz Bartel discusses his new book, "The Triumph of Broken Promises: The End of the Cold War and the Rise of Neoliberalism"

Episode 82: Cody Keenan on the Ten Days that Defined Obama's Presidency

Episode 82: Cody Keenan on the Ten Days that Defined Obama's Presidency

Episode 82: Cody Keenan on the Ten Days that Defined Obama's Presidency

The Internet’s Ultimate Censors

Breaking the Nuclear Taboo

Norway's Energy Windfall

Comedic Resolution

Of Sense and Sensibilities

Talking About John Fetterman’s Stroke Is Not Ableism

This Week at Persuasion

Chairman Xi

Who Regulates the Regulators?

Valuing the Deep State Part V: Controlling the Administrative State

Shashank Joshi on How the War in Ukraine Will End

Tactical Nukes: A Primer

The Road To Hell: Berlin, 1933


Sharon Skeel

New Europe, Old Habits

This Week at Persuasion

The Soul of Black Classical Music

Learning From Our Limits

Jonathan Zimmerman on America's Public Schools and Parents' Rights

Episode 81: Giles Tremlett on Spain's Complicated Past

Episode 81: Giles Tremlett on Spain's Complicated Past

Episode 81: Giles Tremlett on Spain's Complicated Past

Men Are Falling Behind

America's Nazi Architect

A Good Week

Why More and More Children are Cutting Off Their Parents

Winston Churchill, Forgotten Progressive?

Why China Didn’t Liberalize

The Next Japan

The Wilder Touch

Adults Today Care Too Much What Young People Think

This Week at Persuasion

Waiting For the Generals

Zelenskyy Looks Ahead

Exploiting Migrants: A Game Anyone Can Play

Valuing the Deep State Part IV: Why Delegation is Necessary

Heather McGhee on Why Racial Progress is Not Zero-Sum

As American as Apple Pie

Congress Is Finally Moving to Fortify American Democracy

Press Freedom for Freedom's Adversaries?

Coming Home to Bucha

Poland’s Wake-Up Call

This Week at Persuasion

Episode 80: Walter Russell Mead on the American-Israeli Relationship

Episode 80: Walter Russell Mead on the American-Israeli Relationship

Episode 80: Walter Russell Mead on the American-Israeli Relationship

Italy’s Turn to the Right

Valuing the Deep State Part III: A State of Courts and Parties

Against the Will of the People

Richard Reeves on Why Men are Struggling

Letting Iran Go Nuclear

Winter Is Coming…

This Week at Persuasion

When Character Reigned

Russia's Energy War

The Danger of Politicizing Science

Democratic Moldova

The Art of Fishing—and Living

October 26, 2022: Mark G. Pomar discusses his new book, "Cold War Radio: The Russian Broadcasts of the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty." Moderated by Martha Bayles

Give Ordinary People a Say On Abortion (and Other Contentious Issues)

Robert Kagan on America’s Future, Foreign Policy Realism, and the War in Ukraine

Britain Needs A Real Constitution

Democracy Can't Be Delegated

Episode 79: Eleanor Herman and the Demonization of Women in Power

Episode 79: Eleanor Herman and the Demonization of Women in Power

Episode 79: Eleanor Herman and the Demonization of Women in Power

This Week at Persuasion

Building Back Ukraine Better

The Problem with “Decolonizing” Global Health

The Paradox of Mikhail Gorbachev

Valuing the Deep State Part II: The Origin of States

What Is National Conservatism?

The Man Who Saw America

Episode 78: Francesca Tripodi on Right-Wing Narratives and their Internet Success

Episode 78: Francesca Tripodi on Right-Wing Narratives and their Internet Success

Episode 78: Francesca Tripodi on Right-Wing Narratives and their Internet Success

Chloé Valdary on How to be a (True) Antiracist

How Social Media Destroys the Things That Matter Most

Who Belongs in the Club of Democracies?

Drawing the Line on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Academic Rigor Mortis

Gorbachev’s Legacy

This Week at Persuasion

Valuing the Deep State, Part I

How Not To Write A Constitution

Should Donald Trump Be Prosecuted?

The Case Against Prosecuting Donald Trump

The New Language Police, IV

Putin's War

Ukraine's Ripples

The Case for Prosecuting Donald Trump

This Week at Persuasion

Against Shadow Banning

America's Pro-Authoritarian Theorists

Episode 77: Michael Mandelbaum on American Foreign Policy

Episode 77: Michael Mandelbaum on American Foreign Policy

Episode 77: Michael Mandelbaum on American Foreign Policy

Nailing Neoliberalism to the Wall

The Kids Are Alright

Out of Africa—and Back

Russia's Africa Game

To Reform the Police, Join It

This Week at Persuasion

First-Person View

The Great American Movie: The Godfather at Fifty

James Baldwin's Radicalism

The Unseen Side of "Cancel Culture"

The Polarization Spiral

This Week at Persuasion

The Reality Ally

Coleman Hughes on How America Racializes its Citizens

Trump’s Mess at Mar-a-Lago

Democrats Are Finally Coming To Their Senses

This Week at Persuasion

The F.D.A.’s Misguided War on Vaping

Sarah Longwell on 2024

Now is Not The Time to Let Putin Save Face

Pathways from Polarization

Paths to Depolarization

This Week at Persuasion

America Should Allow Death Row Organ Donation

Summer Break

When the West Defanged Ukraine

Episode 76: Mary Ziegler on the Anti-Abortion Movement

Episode 76: Mary Ziegler on the Anti-Abortion Movement

Episode 76: Mary Ziegler on the Anti-Abortion Movement

What an Overly Pessimistic View of America Gets Wrong

When Democracy Goes South

Where's the Strategy?

October 6, 2022: Azar Nafisi and Merve Emre discuss "How to Read in 2023." Moderated by Tejas Srinivasan

September 28, 2022: John Avlon discusses his new book, "Lincoln and the Fight for Peace"

September 20, 2022: Robert Lieber discusses his new book, "Indispensable Nation: American Foreign Policy in a Turbulent World"

September 13, 2022: Elliot Ackerman discusses his new book, "The Fifth Act: America's End in Afghanistan"

September 7, 2022: Richard Rodriguez discusses his book "Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez." Moderated by Paul Elie

August 30, 2022: Piotr Krygiel discusses "Poland—Refugees, Politics, and Economy." Moderated by Ivana Stradner

August 26, 2022: Vittorio Hösle discusses "Why Russia Is More Dangerous than China at Present"

The Corruption of Apology

Ukraine’s Resistance and Russia’s Future

How the United States Can Keep Iran from Getting the Bomb

This Week at Persuasion

Fighting AIDS in Africa Does Help Democracy

The Forgotten Philosopher Who Can Fix Our Economy

Corey Brettschneider on Free Speech

The Twilight Struggle

The Persuasion Festival: 2022

A Ukrainian Turnaround?

Episode 75: Jonathan Pelson on China's Dangerous Domination of 5G

Episode 75: Jonathan Pelson on China's dangerous domination of 5G

Episode 75: Jonathan Pelson on China's dangerous domination of 5G

The GOP's Embrace of Economic Nationalism

A Wild Pitch

Imperial Déshabillé

The Russia Debates

The Racial Binary Is Inadequate

This Week at Persuasion

Spin Dictators

July 18, 2022: Kenneth R. Weinstein on "Political Report from Tokyo"

Partisanship and Principle

Spin Dictators

There Won’t Be a “Civil War”...

Episode 74: Ezrachi and Stucke on Big Tech’s threat to innovation

Episode 74: Ezrachi and Stucke on Big Tech’s threat to innovation

Episode 74: Ezrachi and Stucke on Big Tech’s threat to innovation

Dispatch from Tokyo

July 14, 2022: Sofi Oksanen and Francine Stock on “Art and Occupation”

The Return of John Birch

The New Language Police, III

Dear Democrats, Stop Boosting Trumpist Candidates!

This Week at Persuasion

August 23, 2022: William Deresiewicz discusses his new book, "The End of Solitude: Selected Essays on Culture and Society." Moderated by Katherine C. Epstein

Defending the New West

Misinformation Is Here To Stay (And That’s OK)

July 11, 2022: William Kristol and Eric Edelman discuss “Breaking the Black Sea Blockade”

David French on Abortion

Boris Johnson's Downfall

Episode 73: James Kirchick on the Hidden History of Gay Washington

Episode 73: James Kirchick on the hidden history of gay Washington

Episode 73: James Kirchick on the hidden history of gay Washington

When Victory Wasn't Assured

Who Will Certify the Certifiers?

The Constitutional Failsafe against Judicial Overreach

The Best of Persuasion: 2022

This Week at Persuasion

Khizr Khan: Why I Love America

Graeme Wood on January 6th, Saudi Arabia, and Interviewing Extremists

America Is Headed For Disaster

Episode 72: Thomas S. Kidd on Thomas Jefferson

Episode 72: Thomas S. Kidd on Thomas Jefferson

Episode 72: Thomas S. Kidd on Thomas Jefferson

A Personal Plea to Help Hong Kong

Time to Stop Digging

Saudi Arabia

Democracy’s Challenges and How to Meet Them

The Moderate Majority on Abortion

This Week at Persuasion

Why National Honor Matters

How We Got Bipartisan Gun Reform

January 6 and Ukraine

Do the Politics of Class and Race Stand in Tension?

Breeders of Violence

Episode 71: Aaron Friedberg on Getting China Wrong

Episode 71: Aaron Friedberg on Getting China Wrong

Episode 71: Aaron Friedberg on Getting China Wrong

Life in Shanghai’s Lockdown

China’s Ponzi Problem

Fight AIDS in Africa, Not Democracy

What Is A Woman?

June 22, 2022: Eliot Cohen on "Seeing the Russian Military Clearly"

This Week at Persuasion

Russia: Empire of Lies

Introducing Conversation Clubs

Letter from Kyiv

The French Left Ascendant

Ian Bremmer on the Geopolitical Recession

What History Teaches Us About January 6th

Liberal Anti-Racism

Episode 70: Lev Menand on the Federal Reserve

Episode 70: Lev Menand on the Federal Reserve

Episode 70: Lev Menand on the Federal Reserve

James Joyce’s Humanism

June 15, 2022: Tom Tugendhat discusses "The UK, Russia, and Ukraine"

The Kids Are Alright

Music on the Page

This Week at Persuasion

End College Booster Mandates

Putin’s Church

Episode 69: Frederic C. Hof on Obama and Syria

Episode 69: Frederic C. Hof on Obama and Syria

Episode 69: Frederic C. Hof on Obama and Syria

What Went Wrong in Afghanistan

The New Language Police, II

Brexit: Good or Bad for Britain?

A Vaccine Against Russia

Why Democrats Are Recalling Their Own

June 7, 2022: Congressman Ro Khanna discusses his new book, "Dignity in a Digital Age." Moderated by Steven Hill

This Week at Persuasion

Mixed Signals on Ukraine

Banning Hate Speech Won’t End Extremist Violence

🎧 Are America's Institutions Broken?

From Dictatorship to Gamesmanship in China

Episode 68: Nelly Lahoud on the Bin Laden Papers

Episode 68: Nelly Lahoud on the bin Laden papers

Episode 68: Nelly Lahoud on the bin Laden papers

Politics and Certitude

Beyond the First Amendment

June 2, 2022: Michael Mandelbaum discusses his new book, "The Four Ages of American Foreign Policy"

Shanghai’s Last Generation

The Puzzle of the Posse

Decisive Battles, Past and Present

This Week at Persuasion

California 100 and Vetocracy

Lessons for the Left from the United Kingdom

🎧 Robert P. George on Free Speech, Philosophical Liberalism, and Conservatism After Trump

We Are Broken

May 26, 2022: "Playing Brahms for Ukraine." A pre-concert talk with Robert Shafer

This Week at Persuasion

What's Next for Poland's Ukrainians

Religion without God

The Dangerous Movement to Stop Treating the Mentally Ill

America’s Abortion Debate Is Broken

The Vital Center, Then and Now

🎧 Adolph Reed, Jr. on Race and Class in America

What Would Richard Pipes Say Today?

Ostrich Republicans

Episode 67: Jimmy Soni on PayPal's Entrepreneurs

Episode 67: Jimmy Soni on PayPal's entrepreneurs

Episode 67: Jimmy Soni on PayPal's entrepreneurs

When Words Lose Their Meanings

The 19th Century Never Ended

Conservatism, Once and Future

Speakers Old and New

This Week at Persuasion

May 17, 2022: Francis Fukuyama discusses his new book, "Liberalism and Its Discontents"

May 16, 2022: Deep Roots: American Music, Cultural Memory, and Dvořák’s Prophecy. A Conversation with Joseph Horowitz and Lara Downes, Moderated by Rupert Allman

Hazony’s Un-American Conservatism

May 16, 2022: Jeffrey Herf discusses his new book, "Israel's Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945-1949"

Episode 66: Zubok on the USSR's collapse

Episode 66: Zubok on the USSR's collapse

Episode 66: Zubok on the USSR's collapse

America’s Hidden Strength

🎧 Thomas Piketty on Why the World Keeps Getting More Equal

The New Language Police

The Emperor of All Maladies

Three Dubious Claims About Social Media

May 12, 2022: Peter Wehner on “Channeling Popular Passions.” Co-sponsored by Braver Angels.

Stargazers of Beauty

Lean on Me—with Caution

The Children of Strongmen

This Week at Persuasion

Dictatorships and Double Standards Redux

What Is Liberalism?

Carbon Is Making Us Dependent on Dictators...

🎧 David Wallace-Wells on Climate Change


Ranked-Choice Voting Is More Democratic, Not Less

Episode 65: Matthew Continetti on American Conservatism

Episode 65: Matthew Continetti on American Conservatism

Episode 65: Matthew Continetti on American Conservatism

The Attitude of Empire

Vulnerable Moldova

Ukraine’s Fight Is Our Fight

Piotr Gliński

Choking on Our Feeds

We Did Not Ask for "Liberation"

This Week at Persuasion

Episode 64: Christine Emba on Sexual Ethics

Episode 64: Christine Emba on sexual ethics

Episode 64: Christine Emba on sexual ethics

June 10, 2022: Ivo Daalder discusses "NATO and Ukraine." Moderated by Carla Anne Robbins.

May 2, 2022: John Krige and Mario Daniels discuss their new book, "Knowledge Regulation and National Security in Postwar America." Moderated by Katherine Epstein.

Keeping Secrets

Some Lessons from the Sorry History of Campus Speech Codes

🎧 Jonathan Haidt on Why Public Discourse Has Become So Stupid

Putin’s Pastiches

The Bankers Who Changed the World

Germany’s Shame

April 28, 2022: Matthew Continetti discusses his new book, "The Right: The Hundred-Year War for American Conservatism"

Gallipoli: History Is Rhyming Again

Ten Theses on Tolerance

Against the College Admissions Essay

This Week at Persuasion

A Germany Stuck in the Mud

Episode 63: Garrett Graff's New Watergate History

Episode 63: Garrett Graff's new Watergate history

Episode 63: Garrett Graff's new Watergate history

Yascha Mounk: America Won’t Ever Be Majority Minority

Why Ukraine Will Win

🎧 Yascha Mounk on Making Diverse Democracies Work

America's Spycraft

Marx at the Movies

Inside the Siege of Ukraine’s Cities

Will the Real MAGA Man Please Stand Up?

Ending Female Genital Mutilation

Reclaiming Populism

This Week at Persuasion

Systemic Errors

How the BBC Risks Eroding Its Neutrality

From Lincoln to King

Educators Should Practice Principled Neutrality

Why My NYT Article Inspired So Much Fury

In Praise of “Wonderfully Arrogant” Textbooks

What Finlandization Really Means

Vartan Gregorian

This Week at Persuasion

Nationalism and the Struggle in Ukraine

Macron Is In Danger

🎧 Randall Kennedy on Racism, Critical Race Theory, and the Need for (Chastened) Optimism

Give My Country the Weapons It Needs

Episode 62: Lee Siegel on Why Argument Matters

Episode 62: Lee Siegel on Why Argument Matters

Episode 62: Lee Siegel on Why Argument Matters

The China Challenge: Response and Restatement

Cars Are Here to Stay

The French Presidential Election

What Winning Looks Like

Hungary's Point of No Return

China: A Symposium, continued

A View from Europe

A Strategy to Contest Beijing

Exporting the China Model

This Week at Persuasion

China: A Symposium

Ukraine’s Economic War

Why a Ukrainian Insurgency Would Succeed

China’s Economic Vulnerabilities

What China Wants

Chinese Authoritarianism and the Global Order

An Authoritarian World Order with Chinese Characteristics

🎧 T. M. Scanlon on What We Owe to Each Other

Episode 61: Guriev and Treisman on the Tools of Today's Tyrants

Episode 61: Guriev and Treisman on the tools of today's tyrants

Episode 61: Guriev and Treisman on the tools of today's tyrants

Walking the Transgender Movement Away from the Extremists

Ranked-Choice Voting

What Happens When the Scientists Disagree?

This Week at Persuasion

Viktor Orbán’s Stacked Deck

Radiation without Borders

Ukraine United Us

April 13, 2022: Barry Strauss discusses his new book, "The War That Made the Roman Empire: Antony, Cleopatra, and Octavian at Actium"

April 4, 2022: Patrick Chamorel on "The French Election"

Orbán’s China Infatuation

The Many Faces of Literary Censorship

🎧 Anne Applebaum on How to Fight Back Against Dictators Like Putin

Ukraine: The Return of the Cold War

German Foreign Policy and European Reactions to Ukraine with Johannes Ludewig

Barring the Details

Episode 60: Christopher Smith on Ukraine’s Westward Evolution

Episode 60: Christopher Smith on Ukraine’s Westward Evolution

Episode 60: Christopher Smith on Ukraine’s Westward Evolution

Israel's Change Coalition is a Template to Fight Populism

Economic Warfare

Japan Rising

The Slow Death of Gandhi’s India

This Week at Persuasion

Chris Miller

March 21, 2022: Michael Kazin discusses his new book, "What It Took to Win: A History of the Democratic Party." Moderated by Ron Radosh

Putin and Fascism

Dictators Won't Solve Climate Change

🎧 How the War Might End

Culture, Inescapable Culture

Columnists and Calumny

Episode 59: Chris Armstrong on Our Vital Oceans

Episode 59: Chris Armstrong on our vital oceans

Episode 59: Chris Armstrong on our vital oceans

A Connected World Is Tearing Us Apart

March 18, 2022: Azar Nafisi discusses her new book, "Read Dangerously"

Helping Ukraine, Part II

International Organizations are Failing Ethiopia

Treason of the Intellectuals

Militant Moderation

The Real Threat to American Democracy

This Week at Persuasion

March 14, 2022: Hal Brands on "The Twilight Struggle"

Helping Ukraine

Episode 58: Sebastian Mallaby on the Venture Capitalists

Episode 58: Sebastian Mallaby on the venture capitalists

Episode 58: Sebastian Mallaby on the venture capitalists

History Brought Us Here

🎧 Russia, Today

March 11, 2022: John Rodden on "What Would Orwell Say Today?"

Germany: Realpolitik Meets Reality

Kleptocracy and National Security

The Curriculum Wars

Preparing for Defeat

This Week at Persuasion

The World Is Watching

Putin's Unholy Alliance

Kharkiv Diary

Episode 57: Dwight Chapin on the Nixon White House

Episode 57: Dwight Chapin on the Nixon White House

Episode 57: Dwight Chapin on the Nixon White House

American Weakness?

Bucking the Secularist Storyline

The Spread of Putin’s Repression to Ukraine

What Is a Nation?

🎧 Lea Ypi on Freedom

The Kleptocratic Sources of Russia's Conduct

Ukraine’s Guerrilla War

The Brave Russians Speaking Out Against the War

This Week at Persuasion

Seven Days of War

South Korea Votes, Beijing Watches

Lessons from Ukraine for Deterrence against China

March 1, 2022: Jared Cohen on "Technology Competition with China." Moderated by Steven Hill.

Gi-Wook Shin

Russia Must Lose

Episode 56: A. J. Baime on Walter F. White

Episode 56: A. J. Baime on Walter F. White

Episode 56: A. J. Baime on Walter F. White

🎧 George Packer on the War in Ukraine

Ukraine and the No-Fly Zone Temptation

The Contradictions of American History

Ukraine, Looking Backward and Forward

Slavery, Civil War, and the Constitution

Mounk: The End of an Illusion

What Next in Ukraine?

The Common Good: A Catholic Case for Liberalism

This Week at Persuasion

The New Strategic Narcissists

To Reform the Police, Join It

His History and Ours

February 22, 2022: Joanne Leedom-Ackerman discusses her new book, "Pen Journeys: Memoir of Literature on the Line"

Sanction Russia Now!

The Meaning of Presidents’ Day

Teapots and Tempests

🎧 Moisés Naím on The Revenge of Power

Episode 55: Iain Dale and Alvin Felzenberg on Our 45 Presidents

Episode 55: Iain Dale and Alvin Felzenberg on our 45 Presidents

Episode 55: Iain Dale and Alvin Felzenberg on our 45 Presidents

Bonfire of the Humanities

More on Montás

Twitter's Flawed Justification for Censorship

February 17, 2022: Film Critic David Thomson on "Disaster Mon Amour." Moderated by Francine Stock

Title IX and the Administrative State

February 16, 2022: Elliott Abrams on "Democracy Promotion—Lessons Learned." Moderated by Charles Lane.

This Week at Persuasion

Episode 54: Linda Hirshman on the Abolition Movement

Episode 54: Linda Hirshman on the abolition movement

Episode 54: Linda Hirshman on the abolition movement

Taking Exception

We Had Other Options

The Case for Defending Ukraine

The Sorry State of Russia

The Case for Restraint on Ukraine

Chasing Beauty

🎧 Jonathan Sumption on the Limits of State Power

The Master of Petersburg and the Martyr of Style

Ending Our Censorship Spiral

Can Western Europe Help Eastern Europe?

How to Live With Covid

This Week at Persuasion

The Administrative State

A Noxious Mix: Germany, Gas and Russia

February 7, 2022: Zachary M. Schrag on "Honest History" with Katherine Epstein

The Powerless are Hurt Most by “Cancel Culture”

🎧 How (Not) to Save Refugees

Dreaming of Democracy in China

Episode 53: Peter Goodman on the Billionaires and Power

Episode 53: Peter Goodman on the billionaires and power

Episode 53: Peter Goodman on the billionaires and power

Opting Out of Whiteness

Don’t Hang Mike Pence!

Everyone a Climate Loser

February 2, 2022: A Conversation on "The Right, Russia, and Ukraine" with David Frum

“Woke” Politics Comes to Latin America

This Week at Persuasion

Dangerous Revisionism

Emotions Run High in the Land of Descartes

Remembering Tet

Boris Johnson’s Nine Lives Are Up

🎧 Javier Cercas on How to Deal With Your Nation’s Past

Anton, Deneen, and Hazony

Toxic Times

Episode 52: Simms and Laderman on Hitler's American Gamble

Episode 52: Simms and Laderman on Hitler's American Gamble

Episode 52: Simms and Laderman on Hitler's American Gamble

Telltale Signs of Democratic Backsliding

January 27, 2022: Shikha Dalmia, Stephen Davies, Francis Fukuyama, and David Goodhart on "Brexit is Fueling the Nativist Movement in Britain: A Debate." Co-sponsored by the Mercatus Center, George Mason University

In Rivalry, Magnanimity?

Seven Modern Wonders

America Can't Retreat from the World

This Week at Persuasion

Why Ukraine Matters

No “Minor Incursion,” Mr. President

Anatomy of a Blunder

The Problem With “Systemic Racism”

🎧 Ramachandra Guha on the Crisis in the World’s Largest Democracy

Whose Good, Anyway?

Biden’s First Year

Episode 51: Bruce Ragsdale on Washington and Slavery

Constitutional Laboratories

Episode 51: Bruce Ragsdale on Washington and slavery

Episode 51: Bruce Ragsdale on Washington and slavery

Keynes and Grand Strategy

Faith and Future

Heroes of the 2020 Election

This Week at Persuasion

Filibuster Reform is a Dangerous Necessity

Advantage Defense

Latinos and the King Legacy

A Compromise Is Possible on CRT in the Schools

Remembering Bayard Rustin

🎧 The Conservative Case for Philosophical Liberalism

Tony Fels

Time Is on Iran’s Side

March 26, 2022: Salon with Tara Isabella Burton on "Faith and Democracy"

Dangerous Liaisons

Episode 50: Roosevelt Montas on the Great Books' Enduring Value

Episode 50: Roosevelt Montas on the Great Books' enduring value

Episode 50: Roosevelt Montas on the Great Books' enduring value

The Reactionary Trap

January 12, 2022: Kati Marton and Jackson Janes discuss Marton's new book, "The Chancellor: The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel"

Can America Fight Fair?

The Arts and Social Justice: Bedfellows?

Fighting Fake News, In Court

This Week at Persuasion

Weepings and Gnashings of Teeth

Drone World

Lessons From a Flawed Genius

🎧 Fiona Hill on the Working Class, Populism, and Russia

Trading Places

Episode 49: Joseph Horowitz on Black Classical Music

Episode 49: Joseph Horowitz on Black classical music

Episode 49: Joseph Horowitz on Black classical music

Race Isn’t a “Risk Factor”

January 6 and Geopolitics

The Most Important Elections of 2022

Could You Stand Upright in the Winds That Would Blow?

Once More with Feeling

The Real Danger in 2024

This Week at Persuasion

January 4, 2022: Fareed Zakaria on "The Narrow Path to Liberal Democracy"

Emeline McClellan

America, the Uncertain Giant


Yes In My Backyard!