Sitemap - 2021 - Persuasion

My Resolution for 2022

Words of the Year 2021

Bound to Please

The Fall

Remembering the Heroes

Empire of Lies

This Week at Persuasion

A Race to the Bottom on Internet Censorship

🎧 Michael Ignatieff on How To Stay True to Liberal Values in Politics

China and Democracy

Do You See What I See?

Episode 48: Jason Riley on Thomas Sowell

Episode 48: Jason Riley on Thomas Sowell

Episode 48: Jason Riley on Thomas Sowell

The Unseen Side of “Cancel Culture”

December 16, 2021: "How Museums Preserve Diverse Memories." A conversation with Sara Bon-Harper and Rob Havers, moderated by Nicole Penn

December 21, 2021: Adam Garfinkle on "The Age of Spectacle." Moderated by Luke Nathan Phillips. Co-sponsored with Braver Angels

The One and Only Hitch

We Need Christopher Hitchens More Than Ever

This Week At Persuasion

Ukraine and NATO

The Court’s Delicate Dance

The Real Hoax

🎧 Jeannie Suk Gersen on the Importance of Due Process

The Future of Biden’s Democracy Agenda


Episode 47: Brendan Borrell on the Race to the Vaccine

Episode 47: Brendan Borrell on the race to the vaccine

Episode 47: Brendan Borrell on the race to the vaccine

December 8, 2021: Thomas J. Main and Carla Anne Robbins discuss Main's new book, "The Rise of Illiberalism"

Values ARE Interests

Progressives Need to Focus

December 7, 2021: "Biden's Democracy Summit." A roundtable discussion featuring Fiona Hill and Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Co-hosted by Norman Eisen and the Transatlantic Democracy Working Group

Ousting Orbán

Protect Ukraine Now!

The Collapse of Liberal Internationalism

🎧 John McWhorter on Why Woke Ideas Harm Minority Communities

December 3, 2021: "Righting a Wrong: Taiwan, the United Nations, and the United States." A conversation with Gary Schmitt and Michael Mazza

James Bond, Served with a Twist—le Carré

Episode 46: Olivia Williams on the Savoy's Glamorous Tales

Episode 46: Olivia Williams on the Savoy's glamorous tales

Episode 46: Olivia Williams on the Savoy's glamorous tales

Sell It Again, Uncle Sam

How To Keep Your Corporation Out of the Culture War

Four Horsemen against the Illiberal Apocalypse

The Shackling of the Progressive Mind

The War on Meritocracy

This Week At Persuasion

November 30, 2021: "Forward." A conversation with Andrew Yang. Moderated by Frank DiStefano. Co-sponsored with Braver Angels.

Building a Rocker Bogie Rover, Part II

Democracy in India: Down but Not Out

The Rise of Do-It-Yourself Religion

🎧 Garry Kasparov on Resisting Authoritarianism

The Primary Problem

Ten Theses on Trust

We Can't Keep Taking Liberal Democracy for Granted

Jesus and John Wayne

How Women From Different Generations Can Understand Each Other

🎧 Michael Powell on Race, Class, and Free Speech

November 19, 2021: Neal Stephenson and Francis Fukuyama discuss Stephenson’s new book, "Termination Shock"

The Rittenhouse Verdict Shouldn’t Have Been a Surprise

Recollections from the Hill

The Fundamentalist

A Flawed History of Humanity

The Half-Empty Glass

Episode 45: Bruce Jones on Naval Supremacy and Today’s Geopolitics

Episode 45: Bruce Jones on naval supremacy and today’s geopolitics

Episode 45: Bruce Jones on naval supremacy and today’s geopolitics

What's Racist?

Dire Straits

The New Face Of France’s Far Right

This Week At Persuasion

Two Futures

Not Germany’s Bob Dylan—He's Germany’s Wolf Biermann

More of the Same Won't Rescue Biden

🎧 Andrew Yang on Why Democrats Are in Crisis

It’s Time to Up Our Democracy Promotion Game

Oh Lord, for Alliance!

Episode 44: Fiona Hill on Political Dysfunction

Episode 44: Fiona Hill on political dysfunction

Episode 44: Fiona Hill on political dysfunction

The Reality Ally

Putting the Gini Back in the Bottle

Medicine without a Soul

Cuba, Four Months Later

This Week at Persuasion

Episode 43: Sarotte on the Post-Cold War Stalemate

Episode 43: Sarotte on the post-Cold War stalemate

Episode 43: Sarotte on the post-Cold War stalemate

November 8, 2021: Peter Ackerman, with Katherine Gehl and Douglas Schoen, on "The Future of Ranked-Choice Voting"

Are Democracies Worse at Climate Adaptation?

The Dirty Little Secret: Government Works

A Very Bad Election for Progressives

🎧 Noam Chomsky on Identity Politics, Free Speech, and China

History: The Dictator’s Plaything

November 5, 2021: "Black Classical Music" with Joseph Horowitz and Angel Gil-Ordóñez

Is the Climate Crisis Just Too Hot for Us to Handle?

Biden Was Wrong On Afghanistan

November 3, 2021: "Recalibrating the Transatlantic Partnership" with Constanze Stelzenmüller and Thomas Shannon; moderated by Richard Kraemer. In partnership with the U.S.-Europe Alliance

Europe's Progressives

George Packer’s Four Americas

Wake Up, Democrats

This Week at Persuasion

Adapt or Die

Passage through India

Biden Was Right On Afghanistan

🎧 Peter Singer On How To Reduce Suffering

Inconvenient Counterfactuals

Episode 42: Parag Khanna on Societal Upheaval

Episode 42: Parag Khanna on societal upheaval

Episode 42: Parag Khanna on societal upheaval

The Polarization Spiral

America as Geopolitical Risk

Unconfident Continent

The Illiberal Roots of Liberalism

How We Make Real Progress on Climate Change

This Week at Persuasion

October 25, 2021: Harold James discusses his book, "The War of Words: A Glossary of Globalization." Moderated by Katherine Epstein

In Defense of Meritocracy

Climate Realism

October 25, 2021: Katherine Zimmerman on "Finished with the Greater Middle East? Not so fast."

Why I Didn’t Apologize For That Yale Law School Email

🎧 Ross Douthat on the Trouble with Experts

The English Garden We Call the West

Episode 41: Matthew Sturgis on Oscar Wilde and Social Mores

Episode 41: Matthew Sturgis on Oscar Wilde and social mores

Episode 41: Matthew Sturgis on Oscar Wilde and social mores

Why I Oppose Removing a Statue of Thomas Jefferson

October 21, 2021: "Reaching toward the Sublime in Music." Robert Shafer discusses the music of Duruflé and Boulanger

Of Words and Deeds

Bourdain: Man of Passions, Talent—and Heartache

The Conspiracy Theory Bubble

This Week at Persuasion

Global Governance?

Helping Andrew Yang

How to Make College Admissions Fair

🎧 Francis Fukuyama’s Defense of Liberalism

General Raymond Odierno, a Soldier

Covenant, Crucible, Creed

Episode 40: Anne-Marie Slaughter on American Renewal

Should We Call the Whole Thing Off?

Episode 40: Anne-Marie Slaughter on American renewal

Episode 40: Anne-Marie Slaughter on American renewal

Commercial Interests Aren’t Enough To Save Free Speech

October 13: 2021: Mark Lilla on "Thomas Mann, Reflections."

To Influence Japan, China Tries Subtlety

Europe and African Migration

The Long Shot Battle to Save Hungarian Democracy

October 12, 2021: Emily Estelle on "The jihadis you don't know about."

This Week at Persuasion

California Dreaming II: Democracy and Vetocracy

How to Fix Our Broken Relationship With COVID Math

🎧 Caitlin Flanagan on Free Speech and America’s Future

Orbán’s Biographer

Forbidding Fruit: Apple TV+ Does Asimov

Editorial Cartooning Is in Danger

October 6, 2021: Jane Harman discusses her book, "Insanity Defense"

Arts Wars

The Digital Wild West Needs a Sheriff

Americans, Don't Envy European Speech Codes!

This Week at Persuasion

A Clear and Present Danger

Go Big or Stay Home?

Why It Is Rational To Be Good

October 4, 2021: Ryan Crocker on "Afghanistan, Iraq, and regional challenges." Moderated by Cameron Munter

🎧 Kwame Anthony Appiah: Rethinking Identity

Episode 39: Harold James on Political Terminology

Episode 39: Harold James on political terminology

Episode 39: Harold James on political terminology

Soldiers after War

Coalition of the Sane

Monomania Is Illiberal and Stupefying

It’s the Sausage-Making

State Constitutions as Political Technology

Our Institutions Keep Undermining Themselves

This Week at Persuasion

September 28, 2021: Thomas Wright discusses his book "Aftershocks: Pandemic Politics and the End of the Old International Order"

November 9, 2021: Mary Sarotte discusses her new book, "Not One Inch." Moderated by Chels Michta.

October 22, 2021: George Will discusses his new book, "American Happiness and Discontents." Co-sponsored with the Hertog Foundation.

The Future of Ranked-Choice Voting

🎧 Elizabeth Bruenig on Religion, Liberalism, and Wokeness

Episode 38: H.R. McMaster on America's Future Battlegrounds

Episode 38: H.R. McMaster on America's future battlegrounds

Episode 38: H.R. McMaster on America's future battlegrounds

The Inescapable Alfred Hitchcock

Enslaving Art to Politics

The Illiberalism in Our Institutions

Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: Coda: PostClassical Ensemble / Closing Remarks with Angel Gil-Ordóñez and Joseph Horowitz

Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: "A House Divided? Polarization Post-Trump" with Daniel Cox, William A. Galston, William Kristol, Nicole Penn, Luke Nathan Phillips, and John Wood, Jr. In association with Braver Angels

Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: "The Arts: Amity and Enmity" with Dorothy Kosinski, Anne Midgette, and Jonathan Rauch

Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: "Britain and America" with Philip Stephens, Tod Lindberg, and Craig Kennedy

Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: "Allies" with Tom Tugendhat, Josef Joffe, Michael Mandelbaum, Réka Szemerkényi, and Carla Anne Robbins

Break the Silence

Darkening of the Strategic Skies

The Bitter Heartland

This Week at Persuasion

Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: "America's Voice in the World" with Martha Bayles, David Ensor, Jamie M. Fly, Karen Kornbluh, Jay Tolson, and Suzanne Garment

Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: "Russia and the Frontline Democracies" with Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Peter Pomerantsev, M.J. Crawford, Jonathan Katz, and Nino Evgenidze

Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: "Democracy in Europe" with Sheri Berman, Sebastian Burduja, Jean-Yves Camus, Dalibor Roháč, and Patrick Chamorel

Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: "A Conversation" with Thomas Chatterton Williams moderated by Richard Aldous

Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: "America in the World" with Robert B. Zoellick

California Dreaming

Carl Gershman’s Light

Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: "Liberal Democracy in Central Europe" with Gergely Karácsony, Francis Fukuyama, and Sophia Gaston

Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: Welcome Remarks / "The Future of Liberalism" with Norman Eisen, Michael Žantovský, and Francis Fukuyama

Beware the Microinfluencer

🎧 Why Americans Fight Over History

Seven Myths about Afghanistan

Episode 37: Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili on Afghanistan and State-Building

Episode 37: Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili on Afghanistan and State-Building

Episode 37: Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili on Afghanistan and State-Building

The Perils of Degentrification

State Power and Abortion

Securing American Democracy

Undoctrinate Our Students

This Week at Persuasion


September 13, 2021: Eric Edelman and William Antholis discuss “Greece, Turkey, and the Eastern Mediterranean — Does America have a Strategy?”

There's No Unified Front Against China

🎧 "You Just Won't Understand!"

9/11’s Long Shadow

Episode 36: Toby Harnden on the CIA's Mission in Afghanistan

The Road to 9/11

After Retreat, a Way Forward

How to Boost Vaccine Uptake

Bin Laden’s Posthumous Victory

Can Self-Government Survive the Next Convulsion?

Stop Celebrating Death

This Week at Persuasion

Britain Alone

Epistemic Relativism

The Arab Spring, Ten Years On

🎧 Are We Too Divided to Be Patriotic?

“We’re not going to fix the problem of elitism by doing away with standards.”

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Social Justice

Disraeli, Novelist

Can Democracy Survive the “Splinternet?”

September 1, 2021: Philip Zelikow and Francis Fukuyama in conversation on the September 11 attacks

A Third Party Won't Save Us

This Week At Persuasion

20/20 Hindsight

Blaming Big Oil: Righteous and Wrong

August 30, 2021: Costica Bradatan and Ed Simon discuss “How Journalists Cover Faith.”

August 26, 2021: Jonathan Chait on "Liberal Liberalism vs. Left-Wing Authoritarianism"

John McWhorter: The Neoracists

🎧 Why We Need a Sane Republican Party

We’re Not All Running the Same Rat Race

A Taxonomy of Fear

Finding the Lives beneath the Ground

Watch Out for Falling Shrapnel

The Other Navalnys

A Real History of Fake News

Crimea Platform

Keira Bell: My Story

🎧 How (Not) to Think About Race

Heidi Tworek

The Movies That Bind

The Woke Pot and the MAGA Kettle

A Better Anti-Racism

August 19, 2021: A conversation with film historian David Thomson and director Douglas McGrath

Afghanistan: What Went Wrong?

August 18, 2021: Timothy Garton Ash on "The Future of Liberalism." Moderated by William A. Galston

Fleeing Venezuela

Remembering Donald Kagan

No Decent Interval

The Calamitous Fall of Afghanistan

Our Afghan Disgrace

🎧 How to Boost Innovation

Fifty Years Ago: A Landmark Day in Economic History

When Therapists Become Activists

September 15, 2021: Larry Diamond and Nicole Bibbins Sedaca discuss “Political Reform to Curb Polarization." In cooperation with Protect Democracy

The Wall and I

The Wall Recalled

James Baldwin’s Radicalism

This Week at Persuasion

The Purple Pill: Charlottesville in Retrospect and Prospect

The Afghanistan War Was a (Partial) Success

Chels Michta

🎧 An Iranian in America

August 6, 2021: "A Night at the Movies" with Barry Jenkins and David Thomson

The Logic of Technopopulism

Samuel McIlhagga

Teaching Race in Kindergarten

Just Hierarchy

August 4, 2021: Peter Berkowitz discusses "The Clash within Liberal Democracy"

Africa's Fallen Stars

Wang Pei

Daniel A. Bell

This Week at Persuasion

Beats of Optimism

We're Cooked

August 2, 2021: Roman Eichinger, Claude Weinber, Ana Palacio, and Iulia Joja discuss "Germany’s elections and the next Europe"

Episode 35: Peter Hartcher on Australia's China Challenge

Episode 35: Peter Hartcher on Australia's China Challenge

Episode 35: Peter Hartcher on Australia's China Challenge

Destruction and Hope in Portland

🎧 Saving Meritocracy 

The Enemy Uncounted

Wolf Warrior Diplomacy

Conan Took the Hard Road

Witold Rybczynski

Connor Fiddler

Can the Democrats Save Our Democracy?

The H Factor

Voice of Freedom

July 28, 2021: G. John Ikenberry and Dan Deudney discuss "the roots of Biden's foreign policy." Moderated by Carla Anne Robbins

Let's Talk About CRT

This Week At Persuasion

Freedom to Fail

The Lessons of the Pandemic

The Party Is Over

🎧 Why Is Crime Rising?

A Pipe Dream Comes True

Episode 34: Firmin DeBrabander on the Internet's Threat to Privacy

Episode 34: Firmin DeBrabander on the Internet's Threat to Privacy

Episode 34: Firmin DeBrabander on the Internet's Threat to Privacy

What Do Palestinians Want?

The End of "Cancel Culture"?

Will Marshall

Don’t Drink from That Fire Hose!

July 21, 2021: Will Marshall on "Dems — then, now, and tomorrow"

How to Build a New Political Party

Don’t Apologize

This Week at Persuasion

Who’s Afraid of FDR?

Stop Censorship in Sports

🎧 Inside the Insurrection

Episode 33: Shawna Kay Rodenberg on Growing Up in Kentucky

Episode 33: Shawna Kay Rodenberg on Growing Up in Kentucky

Episode 33: Shawna Kay Rodenberg on Growing Up in Kentucky

What Remains? Georg Lukács’ Dialectical Wager

Menand’s Cold War

¡Cuba Libre!

Explosive Material

Looking Skyward

Goodbye to Hong Kong

This Week at Persuasion

July 13, 2021: Donald F. Kettl on his book "The Divided States of America: Why Federalism Doesn't Work." Co-sponsored by Braver Angels

July 12, 2021: Henry Sokolski on "Can Self-Government Survive the Next Convulsion?"

The Media's COVID Success

🎧 Disaster is Political

The Noble Rat

Episode 32: Gillian Tett's Anthropological Lens

Episode 32: Gillian Tett's Anthropological Lens

Episode 32: Gillian Tett's Anthropological Lens

The Supreme Court Isn't Broken

Fixing Health Care with the All-American Krankenkassen

What We Got Wrong (and Right) About COVID-19

Join Us for the Persuasion Festival!

The Best of Persuasion

When the Truths Aren’t So Self-Evident

🎧 The Pursuit of Happiness

An Immigrant's Case for Patriotism

Inflation Won't Just Hurt the Rich

This Week at Persuasion

The Constitution of Knowledge

🎧 What Binds Us Together

Mercury Rising

We Didn’t Invent the Movies

June 25, 2021: Edward W. Warren discusses "The Meat and Potatoes of the Supreme Court: Less Division than You Might Think." Moderated by Robert Asahina and co-sponsored by Braver Angels

Episode 31: Timothy Brennan on Edward Said

Episode 31: Timothy Brennan on Edward Said

Episode 31: Timothy Brennan on Edward Said

The Perils of 180ism

June 24, 2021: David Miliband on "The Age of Impunity"

Fascinating Rhythm

June 23, 2021: Barbara Haber and Matt Sartwell on "The World is Your Oyster — How We Cook in America." Moderated by Steve Lagerfeld

Alliances and Their Discontents

Hypocritical Times

This Week at Persuasion

Table for Two

The Scaffolding of Truth

Covid and Bureaucratic Autonomy

Against Meme Activism

🎧 Don't Give Up on Truth

Dystopia Is Just around the Corner

Episode 30: Tevi Troy Looks at 70 Years of White House Intrigue

Episode 30: Tevi Troy Looks at 70 Years of White House Intrigue

Episode 30: Tevi Troy Looks at 70 Years of White House Intrigue

June 18, 2021: George Packer on his new book, "Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal." Moderated by William A. Galston. Co-sponsored with Braver Angels

What Ever Happened to Flirting?

June 17, 2021: A conversation with John Bolton on "Core Interests and Alliances"

Another Age of Acrimony

Those We Leave Behind

June 16, 2021: Tom Tugendhat and Toomas Hendrik Ilves discuss "Russia and Europe"

Kids Need Freedom, Too

This Week at Persuasion

June 15, 2021: Mathilde Fasting discusses “State Capacities and Elite Legitimacy After Covid: the Story of Scandinavia”

Defending Journalists against Gangsters

The Norm-Breaker vs. the Norm-Defender

Material Objects and Virtual Objects

Fleeing Venezuela

Huyendo de Venezuela

🎧 An Optimist’s Vision of America

Episode 29: Michael Dobbs on Nixon's Fatal Flaws

Episode 29: Michael Dobbs on Nixon's Fatal Flaws

Episode 29: Michael Dobbs on Nixon's Fatal Flaws

Life at the End of a String

Setting Sail on the Three Seas

June 11, 2021: Jonathan Rauch on his new book "The Constitution of Knowledge." Co-sponsored with Braver Angels

The Moderate Minority

Zbigniew Rau

Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of American Propaganda

Calm down, Europe

Acquitted. Then Sentenced.

This Week at Persuasion

June 8, 2021: Robert Asahina and Devorah Goldman on "Norton and the Roth Biography, Sorting Truth from Narrative"


Islam and Laïcité

The Empowering of the American Mind

🎧 James Carville on How Democrats Self-Sabotage

“We Had No Idea The Government Would Open Fire”

Episode 28: Susan Eisenhower on How Ike Led

Episode 28: Susan Eisenhower on How Ike Led

Episode 28: Susan Eisenhower on How Ike Led

Captain America Passes the Torch

Putin’s Climate Envoy Should Be Persona Non Grata

Democrats Can't Rely on Demographics Alone

As Democracy Goes, So Goes Climate

Defining Defense Down

Texas Voters Don't Want DEI in the Classroom

This Week at Persuasion

Trust Science?

Border Insecurity

🎧 What Went Wrong In India

The Fate of the Spy Novel

The Media's COVID Failure

Fascism with a Religious Face

The View from Prague

May. 26, 2021: H.R. McMaster on "Interests and Alliances." Moderated by Sophia Gaston

Twitter's Other Free Speech Problem

This Week at Persuasion

May. 25, 2021: Franziska Brantner discusses "September elections, the German Greens, and the shape of a post-Merkel Germany”

Just In Time

May. 24, 2021: Françoise Mélonio on "The New Tocqueville"

The Contender

Five Tactics for Undermining Democracy

🎧 How To Avoid High Conflict

Episode 27: Sean McMeekin's New Take on World War II

Episode 27: Sean McMeekin's New Take on World War II

Episode 27: Sean McMeekin's New Take on World War II

A Book for All Life’s Seasons

Faith, Hope, Love, and Ted Lasso

Beliefs Aren't Facts

Compared to What?

Weimar and Weltschmerz for the Beach

Don't Roll Back Due Process on Campus

This Week at Persuasion

The Bridges We Need

Building Furniture

May. 17, 2021: Katherine Epstein discusses her article in American Purpose, "The Tolling Bell." Moderated by Michael Mandelbaum

America Is Flunking Math

Episode 26: Olivette Otele on the History of African Europeans

Episode 26: Olivette Otele on the history of African Europeans

Episode 26: Olivette Otele on the history of African Europeans

🎧 Would You Wave the Magic Wand?

Take Off That Mask

Wider and Deeper on Chauvin

May. 14, 2021: Carla Robbins in conversation with Thomas B. Edsall on "Are Americans Ready To Trust Government Again?"

A Deal with Three-fifths of a Devil

Stop Deriding Liz Cheney

Six Steps to Save Global Democracy

Boiling Caucasus

Reviving Conservative Internationalism

President Le Pen

This Week at Persuasion

World Wide Weapon

Facebook Sovereignty

What's Race Got to Do With It?

🎧 The Case For a Liberal Islam

Vernon Bogdanor on Britain's Wavering Connections to Europe

Episode 25: Vernon Bogdanor on Britain's Wavering Connections to Europe

Episode 25: Vernon Bogdanor on Britain's wavering connections to Europe

Episode 25: Vernon Bogdanor on Britain's wavering connections to Europe

Google Maps' Wrong Turn

The $70 Million JPEG

The Elmer’s Treatment

The First Amendment Is Not a Suicide Pact

Free Black Thought: A Manifesto

This Week at Persuasion

Winning Over Down Under

Infrastructure, Governance, and Trust

May. 3, 2021: Jenna Silber Storey and Benjamin Storey on "Why We Are Restless." Moderated by Ryan Hanley

Does Disqualification Work?

🎧 The Perils of State Power

Episode 24: Stephen Walker on the First Journey Into Space

Episode 24: Stephen Walker on the First Journey Into Space

Episode 24: Stephen Walker on the First Journey Into Space

Misperceptions and Illusions

It Wasn’t Just Trump

Who Are You to Tell That Story?

April. 28, 2021: Francis Fukuyama discusses "Technology and Democracy," with Jeff Gedmin and Zach Graves. In partnership with Lincoln Network.

Climate Change: Technology Is the Solution

Westward Ho—Again?

The First 99 Days

This Week at Persuasion

A Highway in Montenegro and the Struggle with China

The Same Ol’ Same Ol’ Won’t Save Us

Silence Isn't Violence

🎧 Why Governments Fail

Reserves of Imagination

Apr. 23, 2021: Former Governor Tim Pawlenty on “The Trial, the Verdict ... and the GOP." Moderated by Jeff Gedmin and John Wood Jr.

Sputnik Diplomacy

Accountability on Trial

Death by Harmony

Don't Pack the Court

This Week at Persuasion

Building Infrastructure the American Way

Putting the Responsible “Self” Back in Self-Government

Apr. 19, 2021: Steve Lagerfeld and Charles Lane discuss "American Exceptionalism." Moderated by Suzanne Garment

The Painful Path to Unity

🎧 The Dangers of Bad Science and Simple Solutions

Ricochet Spitefulness

Episode 23: Lawrence J. Haas on the Kennedys' Approach to the World

No Hurry—We’re the EU

Episode 23: Lawrence J. Haas on the Kennedys' Approach to the World

Episode 23: Lawrence J. Haas on the Kennedys' Approach to the World

The Asia Puzzle

What America Owes Afghanistan

Apr. 15, 2021: Martha Bayles, Nick Cull, David Ensor, and Jay Tolson discuss "The Future of the Voice of America"

Seeing China Clearly

Doubling Down on Democracy

Tireless in Baku

Who Decides What's Racist?

This Week at Persuasion

In Praise of Industrial Policy

What Putin and Xi Really Want

Apr. 12, 2021: Toomas Ilves discusses "Europe, Russia, China, and the U.S." Moderated by Melinda Haring

How to Get Real About Saving the Planet

🎧 When Foreign Aid Fails 

The Persian Temptation

Episode 22: Cristina Groeger on Education and Economic Disparity

Episode 22: Cristina Groeger on Education and Economic Disparity

Episode 22: Cristina Groeger on Education and Economic Disparity

No Change, Please, We're German

Apr. 8, 2021: Abubakar Siddique discusses "The Next Afghanistan." Moderated by Jay Tolson

Fighting the Last Free Speech War

Don’t Let the Woke Own Liberal Education

Keira Bell: My Story

Seth Cropsey

Udi Levy

Harry Halem

Khadija Ismayilova

This Week at Persuasion

True Grit in Lebanon

Joseph Braude

What a Swell Party It Was

Droning On in the Middle East

Apr. 5, 2021: Roya Hakakian on her new book, “A Beginner’s Guide to America”

Grooming Autocrats

The Other Tyrants

🎧 Lessons From A Pandemic

David Shullman

Episode 21: Paula Marantz Cohen on Shakespeare and Empathy

Episode 21: Paula Marantz Cohen on Shakespeare and Empathy

Episode 21: Paula Marantz Cohen on Shakespeare and Empathy

Apr. 2, 2021: William A. Galston discusses "The Age of Resentment — And How To Build Back Better"

A Long, Twilight Struggle

The Man Who Follows the Money

Charles Horner

Eric Brown

Britain: Land of Liberty No More

Not Your Father’s Dictators

Democracy Is (Still) Worth Defending

This Week at Persuasion

Mar 30, 2021: Cancelled by China: A Conversation with Reinhard Bütikofer, moderated by Craig Kennedy

Building a Rocker Bogie Rover

The Single Most Dangerous Place in the World

Fighting Back, At Last

🎧 What The West Misses About China

The Tolling Bell

Episode 20: Roya Hakakian's Immigrant Guide to America

Episode 20: Roya Hakakian's Immigrant Guide to America

Episode 20: Roya Hakakian's Immigrant Guide to America

The Ironic Sensibility

France’s Authoritarian Drift

Mar. 25, 2021: Michael McFaul on his three-part series in American Purpose

Katherine C. Epstein

Surveilling Germany’s Right-Wing Populists

This Week at Persuasion

More than McKinsey

I Beg to Differ

Anthony M. Barr

We Are Hiring!

Mar. 22, 2021: Matt Pottinger on "strategic competition with China." Moderated by Jack Beyrer

Meme Magic: Are You Ready?

Why Analog Is Better than Digital II: Losing Kodachrome

The Mod Squad

🎧 How to Save the Internet

A Dangerous Attack on Academic Freedom

Episode 19: Ritchie Robertson on the Enlightenment, 1680-1790

Episode 19: Ritchie Robertson on the Enlightenment, 1680-1790

Episode 19: Ritchie Robertson on the Enlightenment, 1680-1790

The Quadrivium Fix

The Kingfish Lives

Beware of Books!

And Then They Came for Dr. Seuss

Mar. 17, 2021: Henry Sokolski discusses "Dr. Strangelove’s New Passion: Precision-guided Mayhem."

Dr. Strangelove’s New Passion: Precision-Guided Mayhem

Don’t Ignore Myanmar

This Week At Persuasion

Mar. 16, 2021: Minxin Pei and Larry Diamond discuss "The China Challenge: How Democracies Should Respond."

Why Analog is Better than Digital I: The Vinyl Revival

Finally, a Nation

The Ticking Rage Bomb

🎧 What You Miss About the World If You Only Study Students at Harvard

This Mistrustful Moment

The Responsible Idealist

Speaking the Truth

The Rising Threat on Campuses

Mar. 11, 2021: Yael Tamir discusses with Peter Skerry "Harnessing Nationalism for Liberal Ends."

The Chastened Power

Asia’s Wake-Up Call

The Warped Vision of “Anti-Racism”

This Week at Persuasion

The Internet Platforms and Press Freedom

Simplicity and Peace

Pick Your Poison

Mar. 8, 2021: Michael Green with Adam Garfinkle on China through Japan's eyes.

Amnesty’s Disgrace

🎧 Intent Matters

Episode 18: Richard Thompson Ford on Fashion, Law, and Social Change

Episode 18: Richard Thompson Ford on Fashion, Law, and Social Change

Episode 18: Richard Thompson Ford on Fashion, Law, and Social Change

David Bromwich: Milton on Censorship

If You Build It, They Will Come

Show Me the Money

Dark Days for Democracy

This Week at Persuasion

Liar Liar First Amendment on Fire?

Silvio Berlusconi and the Decline of Western Civilization

Lessons from the Past

Mar. 1, 2021: Joshua Muravchik on "Q and Conspiracy."

The Other Navalnys

🎧 The Weaponization of Nostalgia

Feb 26, 2021: Richard Thompson Ford on his new book, “How the Laws of Fashion Made History.”

Episode 17: R. James Breiding on Small-Nation Success

Episode 17: R. James Breiding on Small-Nation Success

Episode 17: R. James Breiding on Small-Nation Success

Democracy on Life Support

Family Ties

Dress to Express

Spain’s Worrying Turn

Cuando España Perdió el Rumbo

Feb 25, 2021: Zena Hitz and Azar Nafisi on “The Rebirth of Conversation.”

Status, Glory, and Utopia

Saving Grace

When the “Violence” Isn't Violent

This Week at Persuasion

Technology, Freedom of Speech, and Rush Limbaugh

Ian Buruma: Racism & Enlightenment

🎧 How To Understand Your Enemy

Episode 16: Emma Rothschild’s Generational Portrait of France

Episode 16: Emma Rothschild’s Generational Portrait of France

Episode 16: Emma Rothschild’s Generational Portrait of France

Cancel Culture Gone Wild

Tribulations of the Second Trial

Don’t Forgive Student Debt

Feb 18, 2021: Lindsay M. Chervinsky and Craig Bruce Smith with Nicole Penn on George Washington

Patriotism’s Reclamation Project

OK Boomer

Canceled? Welcome to Our World

This Week at Persuasion

Fake News and Conspiracy Theories

1619 vs. 1776

¿Cómo se dice “innocent”?

🎧 Why Do We Always Think We're Right?

Episode 15: Robert D. Kaplan on Humanitarian Bob Gersony

Episode 15: Robert D. Kaplan on Humanitarian Bob Gersony

Episode 15: Robert D. Kaplan on Humanitarian Bob Gersony

The Neo-Anti-capitalists

Breaking Bread

Feb 12, 2021: Sarah Mendelson, Peter Pomerantsev, and Steve Feldstein discuss "Biden’s Democracy Summit and Building Tech Alliances Against Disinformation." Moderated by Carla Robbins

Don't End Aptitude Tests

Democracy Dies in Disinformation

Can Free Speech Survive the Internet?

This Week at Persuasion

The Passing of a Quiet American

France’s Vanishing Center


The Neoracists

🎧 Who Is Fighting Whom

Episode 14: Dominique Kirchner Reill on Interwar Fascism in Fiume

Episode 14: Dominique Kirchner Reill on Interwar Fascism in Fiume

Episode 14: Dominique Kirchner Reill on Interwar Fascism in Fiume

Maybe Next Time

Making Politics Work Again

Michael Kinsley: Against Impeachment

Feb. 4, 2021: Didi Kuo with Marc Plattner and Jan Surotchak discuss "Political Parties in Crisis"

China’s Transatlantic Wedge Strategy

Feb 3, 2021: Ryan Hanley discusses Adam Smith: "Character Is Not for Suckers."

What The Woke Don’t Get About the Old

This Week at Persuasion

Navalny: Putin is a “Thieving Little Man”

The Collapse of Reality

The Hispanic Republican

The Insiders' Game

Why You Should Also Switch to Linux

Is Social Media to Blame for It All?

Jan. 29, 2021: Sheila A. Smith discusses "The Next Japan."

Episode 13: Kevin Kosar on Congressional Dysfunction

Episode 13: Kevin Kosar on Congressional Dysfunction

Episode 13: Kevin Kosar on Congressional Dysfunction

Idealpolitik Requires Realpolitik

Race Isn’t Just Black and White

Liberalism’s Future: A Symposium, continued

When Liberalism Grows Up

China’s Brutality Cannot Be Ignored

Where Things Went Awry

This Week At Persuasion

The Tolerance Dilemma

Higher Goals of Life

A Demographic Mosaic

Why Everyone Should Build Their Own PC and Stop Using Macs

Technology and Autonomy

Liberalism’s Future: A Symposium

What the Old Don't Get About the Woke

Individualism’s Staying Power

The Left’s Due—and Responsibility

Democracy’s Discontents

Religion, Freedom, and Prosperity

The Centrality of Technology

Can We Build a More Rational World?

Jan. 22, 2021: Eli Lake and Martha Bayles discuss Inauguration Wrap-up, Trump Twitter, Big Tech and Free Speech. Moderated by Carla Robbins

We Know What We Have To Do

Episode 12: Larry Diamond on Saving Democracy

Episode 12: Larry Diamond on Saving Democracy

Episode 12: Larry Diamond on Saving Democracy

The Making of the President, Sixty Years Ago

How Does “Brazil's Trump” Hold On?

Jan. 21, 2021: Yoshihide Soeya on “A View From Tokyo On U.S.-China Strategic Competition.”

The World Holds Its Breath

Pardon Power, Abused

14 Reasons that Democracy Survived

Santiago Previde

This Week at Persuasion

What Should Biden Say?

Two Eruptions

Trump & Truth

I dressed in blackface back in college. Can I atone?

🎧 How to Strengthen American Democracy

Jan. 15, 2021: Agnes Callard discusses "Anger and Politics."

Episode 11: Satia on Progress and Colonialism

Episode 11: Satia on Progress and Colonialism

Episode 11: Satia on Progress and Colonialism


Italy’s Long Covid

Dollar Beware

Shakespeare Wasn't Woke

This Week at Persuasion

The Essential State

The Illiberal Contagion

If You Want Peace, Study War

Is It Wrong to Believe in Racial Progress?

Trump’s Exit: The Options

Neoliberalism: The Rise and Fall

Episode 10: Ikenberry on Democracy

Episode 10: Ikenberry on Democracy

Episode 10: Ikenberry on Democracy

Facts in Flames

The Last Transgression

Carolyn Stewart

Put the Kids to Bed Already

The Woke Future

This Week at Persuasion

Thomas Koenig

Heavy on Thought, Light on Faith

How Democracy Makes America Great

David J. Kramer

Arch Puddington

The Made-Up Conspiracy

My family hates my politics. How do I respond? Fight or flight?

Why Education Fails to Advance Equality